Hidden speed cameras 'a nice little earner' - Dunne
Government Minister Peter Dunne has gone on the warpath over hidden speed cameras - which he claims are a money gathering rort.
Government Minister Peter Dunne has gone on the warpath over hidden speed cameras - which he claims are a money gathering rort.
Martin Johnston straps a camera to his helmet to compile a video diary of the obstacles cyclists face while Mathew Dearnaley asks officials what they plan to do about them.
Aucklanders face paying to drive on city roads unless they are prepared to swallow hefty rates or fuel tax rises.
There was traffic chaos throughout Auckland last night with motorways clogged so badly it took some motorists more than an hour longer than usual to get home.
There are fears Dunedin could lose out to Auckland as a result of proposed changes to the way the New Zealand Transport Agency allocates funding for roading projects.
The New Zealand Transport Agency plans to phase in a 12-month warrant of fitness from October, nine months earlier than originally planned.
Motorists are paying more money to park in downtown Auckland under a new scheme which allows them to stay longer - if they are prepared to pay extra.
ANZ's Truckometer is showing early signs of the impact of drought on economic activity.
Schoolkids are causing chaos on peak time Auckland buses, although officials say nothing can be done because refusing to take them would infringe students' rights.
You've probably seen it happen, writes Marillyn Johnson. You're mindful of traffic infringement fines and public safety, then someone on a bike rides past you, straight through the red lights.
Could you clarify the parking situation whereby one has to drive into an angle park or parking space at right angles to the kerb on a public road.
Main roads out of major centres were clogged with traffic today as holidaymakers hit the roads for the Easter weekend, but so far drivers were being patient police say.
The country's top traffic cop is urging drivers to make history with another fatality-free Easter weekend.
Every time I use the Victoria Park Tunnel in the daytime I notice drivers in front of me, to the side and behind turn their car lights on and then, a few seconds later, turn them off when emerging at the other end.
One year on from major changes to the give way rules, drivers have impressed authorities with their almost seamless response.
Bureaucrats are being accused of risking lives by dithering over policy guidelines for posting cameras at the country's most dangerous intersections to stop drivers running red lights.
Snarled-up Auckland roads are costing the country $1.25 billion a year, new Government-commissioned research reveals.
State Highway One north of Taupo has a new bridge across the Waikato River, which traffic began using yesterday.
It was the 20th century California Dream: a suburban home, a flash car to get you to and from work and a freewheeling lifestyle. But the dream's flipside was a nightmarish sprawl with an unsustainable footprint.
Senior legal figures do not believe there is a problem with the number of drink-drivers before the courts who receive a discharge without conviction.
Judges let off around 50 people a year for drink-driving - with reasons ranging from models wanting to work overseas and wannabe police officers and nannies.
As a giant tunnelling machine is packed into 20 shipping containers in China, ready to build Auckland's $1.4 billion Waterview link, a major upgrade is starting on the adjacent Northwestern Motorway.
Auckland Transport says that the Blues pay for their patrons, as do the All Blacks and NZ Rugby League. Cricket, Phoenix and Warriors choose not to contribute, so services are provided at a cost to the patron.
A Taupo dairy farmer charged with intentionally injuring an Ironman cyclist in an alleged road rage attack reappeared in the Taupo District Court today.