Plans to axe passengers' discounts
Auckland Transport intends ditching discount travel passes while extending the $100 million Hop ticketing system to buses.
Auckland Transport intends ditching discount travel passes while extending the $100 million Hop ticketing system to buses.
Traffic is backed up on Auckland's Harbour Bridge following a four-car crash this morning.
Enjoy the wide open, uncongested streets while you can for one last day. On Monday the kids come back from their school holidays and the traffic snarl-ups will return.
Roads near Auckland's $1.4 billion Waterview motorway project will close late tonight to enable delivery of part of a giant tunnelling machine that has arrived from China.
Building park-and-ride facilities is the first transport priority for Auckland mayoral candidate John Palino, whose long-term solution is to build satellite centres where people can live, work and play.
The Government has rejected two proposals for getting Auckland road users to pay for an estimated $12 billion shortfall in funding for roading projects.
Cyclists will line up this morning to ride the first stage of a $13.5 million off-road pedalling "super highway" through Auckland's Grafton Gully.
Drivers may be tolled at Auckland motorway exit ramps to ease pressure on ratepayers over a $12b transport funding gap.
Drivers across Auckland today voiced their contempt for "ridiculous" rising fuel costs.
Hikes in fuel prices have forced the cost of petrol to a record high - with two large chains upping the cost of 91-octane to $2.27 per litre today.
Petrol prices are equalling a record high at 222.9c a litre for 91-octane at non-discounting service stations, after 'unjustified' price rises by the main oil companies.
New North Rd is not unique in having limited lengths of bus lanes. Bus lanes are typically provided only during peak periods and in the peak direction of the traffic flow.
The morning was clear and a blue-sky day was in prospect.
Two sections of the Northwestern Motorway inbound, at Lincoln Rd and at Pollen Island, have temporary 80km/h restrictions.
Motorists face petrol price rises today, after a 3c-a-litre government excise tax increase.
The Government will push a wider southern motorway, and a freight corridor in Manukau before it starts work on the City Rail Link and a second harbour Crossing.
Mayor Len Brown has blocked a councillor's bid to put funding for the proposed $2.4 billion central city rail link and other transport projects to a public referendum.
Recently, on the motorway, I saw a Nissan Sunny sedan towing a hired horse float with horse aboard.
A $760 million Northern Motorway extension to Warkworth has won Auckland Council support as a nationally important project rather than a "holiday highway" for Prime Minister John Key.
A spokesperson for Auckland Transport advises that the sign is provided to clarify what is meant by the arrow in the far left lane when approaching Market Place from Fanshawe St.
Could you please find out if the relevant roading people are aware of the chaos at the Western Springs motorway interchange.
Auckland's main bus company is promising passengers furious at being stranded on a commuting route that it will closely monitor operations.
Cameras are being used to monitor a driving tester accused of yelling at and frightening a woman he was putting through the hoops for a licence.
Passengers on a busy Auckland commuting route fear the city's public transport system is slipping into "Third World" territory after no-shows.
Car-pooling remains a largely untapped transport solution in Auckland, judging by lacklustre use of a priority lane on a main commuter route.
New migrants at a North Shore language school are setting an impressive example for fellow Aucklanders to start car-pooling.
After a sluggish start to the year, ANZ's Truckometer is pointing to a period of above-trend growth over the second half of 2013.