Ask Phoebe: 'Counties' name dates back to 1876
We have the Counties Manukau Police, the Counties Manukau Health Board, and many other similarly named organisations.
We have the Counties Manukau Police, the Counties Manukau Health Board, and many other similarly named organisations.
Lengthening a bus lane along a busy commuter exit from downtown Auckland is no substitute for a deferred $15.6 million bus station.
Auckland's flagship $11 million Grafton Gully cycleway will require traffic restrictions from today as contractors prepare to tunnel under busy Wellesley St East.
His farm-registered SUV and makeshift lean-to with rudimentary kitchen shelves has occupied a prime corner of Auckland's waterfront for more than a year.
I know a lot of people put towies in the same "lower than a snake's underpants" category as parking wardens, politicians - and journalists - but I've never had a problem with towies.
A large truck broken down on State Highway 1 in Wellsford is blocking traffic heading north.
Who has right of way when two vehicles are both on side roads (facing each other), each stopped at give way signs, and each wants to turn right on to the motorway?
Government will introduce a "one-strike" policy for suspected drink-drivers who evade prosecution because medical staff cannot extract a blood sample.
Can the following be explained please? Westhaven Drive has speed bumps but now judder bars have been installed. Why so if speed bumps already exist?
More logging trucks will be unleashed on to State Highway 1 between Auckland and the Far North from today because of a suspension of all Northland's freight trains.
Six people have died in accidents involving motor vehicles over the weekend, three of them motorcyclists.
The construction of the motorway interchange at the northern end of Auckland's new Waterview connection has moved a step closer to completion.
It may seem odd for a fuel company to be encouraging people to buy less fuel. But Z-Energy is doing just that by sponsoring 'eco-driving' courses.
Just recently I have noticed a huge new piece of machinery - a gantry perhaps - near where the Waterview tunnel is being built, at the Waterview end.
Becoming ruthless with their whistles and no longer waiting for last-minute "runners" at railway stations has helped Auckland train crews to achieve record punctuality.
At least one young Kiwi motorist will die on a New Zealand road this week.
Can you tell me whether trucks should be using Ireland Rd in Panmure as a thoroughfare?
A principal says her college will keep promoting safety messages to young people after seven teenagers were involved in a serious crash.
Morgan Tait got behind the wheel with instructor David Bishara to see how her skills compared to testing criteria.
In their first 10 years of holding a licence, young Kiwi drivers are up to twice as likely to die or be seriously injured on New Zealand roads than other motorists.
A spate of motorcycle fatalities has prompted police to warn riders to reduce speed, with an expert claiming motorists can be 'twits' after four riders were killed.
A coroner is recommending public education on the dangers of driving with dipped headlights on rural roads, after a wedding guest was killed by a vehicle at night in rural Waikato.
Dunedin Bus drivers and cyclists swapped places in the hope of minimising crashes and deaths on local roads.
According to Auckland Transport the introduction of electric trains is projected to increase passenger numbers from 10 million in 2013 to 14 million in 2016.
Auckland's main business lobby says a freight corridor through the industrial belt from Onehunga to East Tamaki is far more urgent.
Driver licence application forms are being reviewed after a Chinese woman found herself uninsured in a crash.
It is the king tides that tend to flood this section of motorway, not all high tides.
The extension of the cycling network along the busy Dominion Road in Auckland has come one pedal rotation closer, with the New Zealand Transport Agency's approval to spend $3.2 million on the project.