Tech firm cuts truckies' fuel bills
Entrants in the annual EECA Awards being presented tomorrow can claim credit for energy savings equivalent to the annual power use of two Hamilton-sized cities.
Entrants in the annual EECA Awards being presented tomorrow can claim credit for energy savings equivalent to the annual power use of two Hamilton-sized cities.
A report for Auckland Council has cast doubt on the targets set by the Government to make an early start on the $2.86 billion city rail link.
New Zealand has been praised at a global forum for slashing its road toll last year, after the ignomy of edging up an international hit parade of carnage in 2012.
A day after a baby died from her injuries after being thrown from her mother's lap in a crash, a woman was seen breast-feeding her child in the front seat of a moving vehicle.
A woman has been spotted breastfeeding an unrestrained baby in a moving car, just one day after another unrestrained infant died from injuries suffered in a crash.
Motorists with newer, safer cars may see their annual licence costs slashed by as much as $163 a year.
The death of an unrestrained 12-week-old baby girl who was thrown from her mother's lap in a crash could've been avoided by a carseat - found in the car's boot.
A baby who was unrestrained on his mother’s lap when the car they were travelling in hit a bank yesterday has died.
An unrestrained baby sitting on its mother's lap was thrown into the back of the car and is now fighting for its life.
The driver pictured here was travelling on a motorway, with one hand cupping a phone to his ear and the other holding a cigarette.
Prime Minister John Key inspected the progress of the tunnel at the Waterview Connection.
Many have suspected it for years, but now research has proved that driving with your other half sends your stress levels soaring.
Cyclists say major urban routes around Auckland should be the focus for the council to improve its "dangerous and inadequate" cycling infrastructure.
So many of our commercial buildings do not have street numbers that are visible. This is so frustrating in wasting time, causing more traffic jams, increased fuel consumption and pollution.
Inner-city suburbs out of your reach? Maybe not. A new data-crunching tool helps renters to look at how affordable their living situation is when transport cost is factored in.
Trade creditors owed $11.2 million from a collapsed Auckland roading company are not going to see any of their money back, according to the latest receivers' report.
Four Herald staff caught cabs from Auckland Airport's international terminal to SkyCity yesterday, so we could compare their routes and what they were charged.
Auckland Airport says it wants a fixed taxi fare price for a trip into the city to stop exorbitant fares - but it can't take any action until contracts expire in 2016.
Editorial: Taxis at Auckland Airport are the front line of tourism - and few first impressions can be worse than a taxi rip-off.
An Auckland cab company is being investigated for its massive fares - including a $200 trip from Auckland Airport to the North Shore.
Auckland Transport's cost estimate for upgrading Dominion Rd has ballooned by 40 per cent to $66.3 million.
Three weeks ago in the rain a reader slipped on an area of the smooth discs in Davis Cres, near a physiotherapy clinic, suffering a painful lower back injury.
Editorial: A conference at the Aotea Centre heard last week that traffic lights would be redundant one day thanks to interconnected fleets of driverless cars.
Speed controls on Auckland's new electric trains are overriding their drivers to make them slower than the diesel clunkers they are replacing for $520 million.
With all the hoopla over the new electric trains (and they are indeed wondrous things) one got to thinking - what is going to happen to all the old diesel trains and carriages?
A time limit on holding a learner or restricted driver's licence is being considered among proposed changes to licensing rules.
SkyCity Entertainment Group wants Auckland's InterCity Coachlines station out of its casino headquarters.
New Zealanders are buying more new cars and used imports, but we're also keeping our old vehicles on the road longer.