Editorial: Cameras most economic deterrent to train violence
To attract passengers, public transport must be convenient, fast, reliable, frequent, comfortable and affordable.
To attract passengers, public transport must be convenient, fast, reliable, frequent, comfortable and affordable.
Most Auckland motorists would take a dim view of parking restrictions or fee hikes to coax them on to buses, trains or ferries.
The National Government's $212 million plan to put a series of hand-picked regional roading projects in the fastlane using asset sales cash is not backed by a strong economic case.
A New Zealand manufacturer who adapts cars for wheelchair users says he has been forced to go overseas after officials here banned his design.
Is there any plan to open the Waterview Tunnel in one direction once one side has been fully bored so we can at least get half of the benefit sooner rather than waiting for both?
Phoebe Falconer answers our readers' questions about transport or any other Auckland issue.
Wilson Parking has been forced to cancel 14 infringement notices and apologise to vehicle owners after stinging them twice in one night.
Controversial plans to extend Auckland's motorway network to Warkworth have won draft approval after a public hearing over three months.
Cameras stationed at intersections are said to be capable of giving Auckland Transport more accurate information about traffic flow and congestion than is now available.
Contractors racing to clear a slip that has cut off State Highway 1 at the Brynderwyns expect to have both lanes open in time for the weekend.
A parking warden was admitted to hospital after being attacked on duty in Auckland - and the assault was so bad, it kept him in hospital for five nights.
Plunket and police were disappointed to find 22 children aged under 5 not properly restrained in vehicles during a police operation in Auckland yesterday.
Roads are for everyone and road rules were made for all road users.
Who is in the right when you are on the motorway in the left hand lane and traffic is joining from an on-ramp and coming into your lane?
A new hazard has appeared on Northland's roads and it comes with a bite - hungry, resting or abandoned seals are turning up along the coast.
A bus driver carrying passengers in rush hour traffic was arrested for drink-driving after an alarmed motorist called police.
During his playing days, Ewen Chatfield was known as the Naenae Express. These days, Chats still delivers but at a different pace.
A bus passenger has accused the Nakedbus company of abandoning her when weather conditions terminated her bus route to the Bay of Islands.
Auckland's successful Northern Busway has been set back by a Government decision to exclude an extension to Albany from an $815 million package.
A plan to change Quay St from a car-dominated road into a waterfront boulevard is back on the table with Auckland Council seeking expressions of interest from designers.
Tourist drivers are being quizzed and in some cases denied their hired vehicle as the industry looks at ways to improve safety.
It is now more than two years since the rule dealing with priorities at intersections was changed.
On some long/busy weekends, passing lanes used to be coned off, so that merging manoeuvres did not hold up queues of traffic.
Auckland Transport intends spending $200,000 on a super bikeshed at the Panmure railway station.
Motorists who exceed their legal limit for demerit points are continuing to drive for several years before having their licences suspended.
Petrol price is driving people to service stations that offer discounts or savings schemes - and more commuters are taking public transport.
NZ has enjoyed a record fall in the road toll but road safety campaigners say there’s plenty of room for improvement.
Motorists should fill up now if they want to beat the tax going up on petrol on 1 July, says the AA.
New Zealand's road toll has dropped by two thirds since 1990. The changes across the country are striking and raise the question; what are we doing right?