AA calls for alternative strategy
Automobile Association members in Auckland are underwhelmed by what they may get in return for an average annual motorways toll bill of $350, the organisation says.
Automobile Association members in Auckland are underwhelmed by what they may get in return for an average annual motorways toll bill of $350, the organisation says.
Name suppression has lapsed for the Chinese man charged with causing the death of an Oamaru 5-year-old in a crash near Moeraki.
The driver of a Toyota Starlet who died in a crash at Maraetai early yesterday morning has been named by police.
An Auckland mum-of-three who walked away from a crash that killed a man yesterday has described seeing headlights swerve on to her side of the road.
The man who took the car keys from a tourist on a narrow, winding South Island road did not hold a valid New Zealand driver licence, it has been revealed.
Police say it is pure luck no one was killed south of Hokitika over weekend after three motorists were caught speeding in separate incidents of more than 160km/h.
The High Court has quashed a businessman's $40 fine for stopping in a loading zone to deliver files to his office.
New Zealand, we need to have a little chat, because it probably shouldn't be up to you to steal visitors' keys, writes Heather du Plessis-Allan.
The heartbroken father of Ruby Jay Marris wants the Government to get tough on tourist drivers.
John Key urges the public not to confiscate the keys of motorists they see driving badly after spate of vigilante incidents involving tourist drivers.
A British holidaymaker who has been fined for ''grossly excessive speeding'', at a time when tourist drivers are under scrutiny, teaches driving skills to police officers.
Auckland Grey Power has joined youth lobby group Generation Zero's push to cut major road projects and prioritise public transport in Auckland Council's new 10-year budget.
Unconnected calls to *555 on Saturday night were because of ''unprecedented demand'', police say.
The railway tunnel will serve only a very small fraction of Auckland's population and at a huge cost.
An incensed Dunedin man took car keys from a tourist who had stopped to take photos on Otago Peninsula, causing eight vehicles to back up on the narrow road.
A $2 motorway toll in Auckland will largely go to widen roads, not build better public transport and cycleways, a debate on transport issues was told last night.
Youth lobby group Generation Zero says Auckland Council's planned spending on new roads in its 10-year budget should be cut by $2 billion.
Ruby Jay Marris, the five year-old killed in a crash involving a foreign driver in Otago, has been remembered as “cherished and loved” and a "fun-loving princess".
Auckland Airport is resisting pressure from a community group to soundproof homes under new flight paths north of Manukau Harbour.
Auckland Council and commercial landlord Precinct Properties have struck a deal to allow the City Rail Link tunnels to run beneath a $550 million, 36-level downtown office and shopping tower.
A Haast woman who confiscated the car keys from a Chinese tourist driving badly at Franz Josef Glacier says she did what any responsible citizen would do.
Tourists who've had their rental car agreements cancelled for dodgy driving could soon be blacklisted from hiring vehicles in New Zealand.
Drastic action by a person who flagged down a tourist driving on the wrong side of the road and confiscated their car keys yesterday is being investigated by police.
Six overseas drivers have appeared in court over the past 24 hours after a series of crashes that have focused attention on tourist driving.
A heartbroken family are mourning the loss of 5-year-old Ruby Jay Marris after a car crash involving a foreign driver in Otago.
Motorway tolls are gaining far more support from Aucklanders than lifting rates and fuel taxes to fill a $12 billion transport funding gap over 30 years.
Aprice gap of up to $60 has emerged between taxi companies travelling from Auckland Airport to the city.
Sunset-chasers and their cars have been locked in Auckland's Mt Eden Domain again - despite a council apology last month to people stranded there by an earlier closing time.