$35/week extra for parking
Aucklanders commuting to work in the central city will soon have to pay an extra $35 a week at three of Auckland Council's inner-city car park buildings.
Aucklanders commuting to work in the central city will soon have to pay an extra $35 a week at three of Auckland Council's inner-city car park buildings.
People are concerned about rates - I am too. But as a result of our budget work and the adoption of a levy we can invest more in transport, writes Auckland mayor Len Brown.
Nothing annoys generally well-behaved drivers quite so much as having the traffic rulebook thrown at them for a minor transgression.
Nick Henrys' 1996 Honda Civic is available to hire for $50 a day - one of about 30 vehicles available under the YourDrive scheme.
Auckland's Harbour Bridge set for radical change as cycling and walking attachment gets resource consent.
Barney Irvine urges the Government and Auckland Council to strive for an accord on transport when they meet tomorrow.
A life-size version of the Green Man in the pedestrian "cross now" lights brought laughter to Auckland's CBD.
ACC says second critical error responsible for blowout in number of people who paid incorrect amounts.
Auckland is receiving 30 per cent of a $13.9 billion budget for state highways, local roads, public transport, walking, cycling and road policing.
New road markings in Auckland's Newmarket have left drivers queuing at a busy intersection behind parked cars, thinking they are waiting to turn.
Officials are scrambling to fix the problem but last night didn't appear sure exactly how many makes of car were affected.
I read your column about fog lights with interest. Are there still any similar requirements not to dazzle oncoming cars with headlights as there used to be?
As a new Spaghetti Junction rises, contractors are also toiling on a slew of related motorway projects to add flesh to the long-awaited western ring route.
Finance Minister Bill English and Transport Minister Simon Bridges have written to Mayor Len Brown saying the Government is unwilling to consider motorway tolls at this time.
The tourist driver who caused the death of Oamaru 5-year-old Ruby Marris is appealing his jail sentence.
''Today Mr Cao has received his sentence, but it doesn't matter what it is, as nothing will bring our Ruby back,'' a statement from the couple said.
Education and bus company officials will meet in Auckland today after a police investigation into an incident in which children jumped off a moving school bus that wouldn't stop.
Dangerous and distracted drivers will be the focus of a police sting over the next few months in a bid to reduce the number of crashes over winter.
When Rob Hekes best mates find out he's "New Zealand's safest driver" they're going to rib him.
Driverless cars could soon be commonplace on our roads - but officials are still grappling with issues including who is liable if a car crashes with nobody behind the wheel.
Last night was chilly. MetService said it was probably the coldest night of the year for the country because a cold air mass followed a clear night.
Holidaymakers hoping to avoid a right royal pain on the roads this Queen's Birthday weekend are urged to plan ahead and watch out for black ice.
More Uber drivers could soon be on the road after lobbying efforts that included a dinner with the Transport Minister hosted by a top United States diplomat.
31 former state houses bought for the Waterview motorway project are being sold on the open market because Housing New Zealand no longer wants them.
The govt will put the financing and construction of the Puhoi-Warkworth Highway out to tender as a public private partnership.
The New Zealand Transport Agency is adding two lanes, plus a cycleway to a 9.5km stretch of the Southern Motorway between Manukau and Papakura.
A half-billion dollar bundle of projects to fix Auckland's transport woes was welcomed last night but also described as a quick-fix.
Intrusive traffic noise in the Auckland Botanic Gardens is feared to increase as a result of planned widening of the Southern Motorway from Manukau to Papakura.
There are actually two sets of road rules, it would seem.