Serious injuries after power pole falls on car in West Auckland
The car hit a pole and rolled in Taupaki.
The car hit a pole and rolled in Taupaki.
Eighteen riders have so far been killed this year - triple the toll in 2015 and 2016.
Uber has teamed up with fuel station chain, offering drivers further benefits.
The Tauranga Eastern Link and Cambridge section of the Waikato Expressway limit increases
Trains on Auckland's rail network will grind to a halt as rail workers strike.
People are being urged to plan their travel early tomorrow as trains grind to a halt.
Mark Lambert Chief Transport Services Officer Auckland Transport discusses the upcoming industrial action to train services.
Michel Ladrak Managing Director of Transdev Auckland, talks frankly about the upcoming industrial action to train services.
Felix Eisele leaving Thames District Court after admitting driving and causing the death of Melanie Dangel.
The Puhoi to Warkworth motorway project started last November.
One reader said salaries in Auckland were not going up in tandem with the cost of living.
SH1 north of Kaikoura will only operate during daylight hours when it reopens, says NZTA.
Julie Anne Genter says councils need more money to target black spots around the country.
Politicians, celebrities and the NZ Mounted Police will join horse riders and walkers in nine regions in a bid to educate motorists about safely sharing the road with vulnerable road users. The event took place at Dairy Flat, where Auckland journalist Karen Rutherford was severely injured and her horse killed last year. / Video by Brett Phibbs
Traffic is free flowing into Wellington, congestion is mostly centred around Porirua and Lower Hutt as people start their commute into the capital.
Trucking companies recognise that railways are needed as well as roads.
The South Auckland settlement of Drury is quickly becoming the major centre of development activity in the Auckland region with over $2 billion of infrastructure and numerous developments planned. / Auranga
OPINION: It's not great timing for an Auckland fuel tax.
Police say it's now a "battle zone" on New Zealand roads.
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff talked transport, housing and the port with the Prime Minister.
The middle lane of Auckland's Southern Motorway after Dominion Rd is blocked.
Expect road closures, diversions, parking restrictions and changes to public transport
The government's coalition and support deals promise much for Auckland, says Simon Wilson.
Infratil's NZ Bus completes Auckland deal, still expects business to shrink.
COMMENT: Not displaying a rego doesn't make you a danger.
Motorists heading away for Labour Weekend are being told to drive safely and expect delays
Police officers in an Eagle helicopter spotted the red ute in Auckland.
Motorists heading home after school holidays urged to plan their travels and drive safely.
It built 260 Model 3s during quarter ended September - less than a fifth of its forecast.
Auckland Transport have a new operation to retrieve missing road safety equipment.