Multi-car crash causes delays on Southwestern Motorway
Crash has caused delays for northbound motorists on the Southwestern Motorway.
Crash has caused delays for northbound motorists on the Southwestern Motorway.
Papakura residents says trucks diverted from the motorway are keeping him awake at night.
EDITORIAL: The Government needs to be careful about raising fuel taxes.
Auckland Transport want the CBD's speed limit dropped to 30km/h, but what does that look like? / Video by Michael Craig
Cherie Howie tests Auckland Transport's 30km/h speed limit proposal for central Auckland.
Red light cameras doubled this week to 12, but police are incapable of enforcing them.
New bypass road at Auckland Airport opening soon to help ease congestion. / Auckland Airport
Traffic levels around the city were bulging early after several incidents.
Traffic is becoming heavy in most of Auckland's hotspots for the daily commute.
NZTA is advising motorists to avoid the area or expect delays.
Speed limits around the CBD changed from 50km/h to 30km/h last year, now Auckland Transport has proposed speed limit changes to other 800 Auckland roads. Video / NZ Herald
The AA says lower speeds are a no brainer on some streets but not motorway feeders.
Pahiatua Track was closed for more than two hours after truck hit car.
Waioeka Gorge in the Eastern Bay of Plenty will close for a short period on Thursday.
COMMENT: Unfortunately in NZ our traffic engineers trade off safety against convenience.
The vehicle crashed around 4.45 this afternoon on SH2 near Mangatawhiri.
There have been seven truck crashes on roads around the Bay of Plenty so far this month.
An alternative route will need to be taken, police advise.
A Rotorua woman is having a hard time catching the bus after the service was rerouted.
Waikato police issued words of warning following the incident.
The crash occurred shortly before 6pm and the road has been closed.
Footage of the terrifying moment a car overtook a cyclist and nearly forced him off the road on a narrow blind corner. / Supplied
Auckland motorist stuck behind cyclists riding side-by-side. / Pieter Kruger
At the present rate, this year will see the fifth consecutive rise in the road toll.
Designs for 3.2km route unveiled to community slammed as 'utterly ridiculous'.
Flirting with someone riding in an Uber could get you banned under new guidelines.
Speed limits set to fall as Auckland Transport gets serious about reducing road deaths.
Auckland Transport is targeting speed limits around the city after a jump in road deaths.