Latest fromRoad Rage

Car speeds through red light in Onehunga
Other cars at the intersection only just stopped in time to get out of the way. Video / Jared Gibbs

‘Torn from my side’: Survivors of horror German Christmas market attack speak out
Two dead and dozens injured after car drives into German Christmas market.

Man 'smashed' with wheel brace in Auckland road rage attack
The man has been left with broken ribs and major facial injuries.

'I have a mortgage': Ponsonby CEO charged over supercar 'road rage' case says he's not that wealthy
'Media has depicted me as a horrible person, someone that could beat up an elderly man.'

'Prurient interest': Name of Ponsonby CEO accused of $430K supercar 'road rage' attack suppressed
The wealthy company director will be allowed to keep his name secret – for now.

Man arrested after Auckland bus driver attacked with wrench
The bus driver was hurt in an incident police described as road rage.

Ponsonby CEO pleads not guilty over alleged road rage attack on pensioner
The man's lawyer claimed publication of his name could cause financial harm to his company

'Spoiled child': Ponsonby CEO charged over road rage incident
The pensioner's family say the CEO should stop acting "like a spoiled child".

Ponsonby CEO accused of beating pensioner in road rage attack involving $430k supercar
The pensioner claims the businessman threw him to the ground and rained blows to his head.

Watch: Conspiracy influencer films woman stomping, smashing her windscreen
Chantelle Baker claimed her 8-month-old baby was sleeping in the back seat.

Chantelle Baker victim of road rage
Blogger seeks information after attacked in car and windscreen smashed. Video / Chantelle Baker

'Strong lines of inquiry' into fatal 'road rage' crash
The crash claimed the life of a motorist last week.

Innocent motorist dies after being hit by one of two apparently feuding drivers
A 49yo was killed when one of two vehicles speeding and overtaking each other hit his car.

'So many stab wounds': Good Samaritan testifies through tears at murder trial of teens, 14 and 17
'That’s what happens when you come to Beach Haven,' they allegedly taunted.

‘Red mist’: What causes road rage and how can we stop it?
Heading out of town? Here's how to avoid road rage.

'Catastrophic': Motorists livid over traffic delays on major state highway
'Man on crutches was walking faster than the traffic.'

'Not acceptable': Calls for calm as abuse toward Northland roadworkers escalates
Northland roadworkers plead for calm as abuse through worksites increases.

Shot at, bashed, intimidated: Road workers speak out on 'extreme' abuse
NZTA boss worries for industry's future as half of staff quit within a year amid abuse.

Watch: Wild moment truckie brawls motorist in road rage mayhem
Two motorists squared up to each other in a frightening road rage incident.

Watch: Dirt biker goes flying after smashing into car in hit and run
'What the hell? What the f*** are you doing? Are you alright?'

Auckland speed trial: New point-to-point speed cameras being installed on six Auckland roads
A trial of the cameras found motorists driving over three times the speed limit.