Latest fromRetirement
Inside Money: The answer is not 42
Coincidentally (or is it?), 42 has also been cited as the percentage of KiwiSaver returns that default providers skimmed off members. Shocking, but fictional.
Kerre Woodham: Few votes, lots of respect
Labour should earn respect for putting the super issue on the table, writes Kerre Woodham.
Plenty of support for compulsory KiwiSaver
Labour's policy of making KiwiSaver compulsory will be widely supported, polling suggests.
Inside Money: A leaky week in politics
Of the two leaked Labour policies, the alleged increase in the pension age to 67 is perhaps the most surprising but also the most defensible.
Summerset share price set -$1.40 each
Summerset Group, the retirement village operator preparing a partial float, has set its listing price at $1.40 a share, the bottom end of the indicative range.
We're not that old, seniors tell survey
Senior New Zealanders feel nearly 20 years younger than their age and most believe others see them as younger ...
Inside Money: Griffin's dunks KiwiSaver
Maybe it's because I don't have milk in my tea but the furore surrounding the potential sale of the Crafar dairy farms to 'Chinese interests' last year left me cold.
Young boost property market
Kiwisaver is giving New Zealand's provincial property market a boost.