Latest fromRetirement
Susan St John: Don't let glow vanish from golden years
You're a 48-year-old woman with three grown-up children. You've worked most of your adult life, saved when you could for your future. You look forward to being an active superannuitant in 17 years, enjoying your freedom and "living the dream".
Top KiwiSaver providers invest more in NZ shares
KiwiSaver providers with more money invested in the New Zealand share market beat the pack last quarter, according to Morningstar.
KiwiSaver: Addressing our fritter nation
More than a third of Kiwisavers are withdrawing their funds when they hit retirement and spending it on cars, boats and home improvements.
Diana Clement: Second time round raises new problems
Blended families are common in New Zealand.
Kerre McIvor: Old age is coming, save now
When you're young, you never imagine you're going to grow old, writes Kerre McIvor. In fact, when you're young, you don't actually want to grow old.
Kiwisaver: Big retirement schemes very different
So what's the difference between KiwiSaver and the Government's Superannuation Fund and is Kiwisaver backed by the Government?
Inflation jolt for retirement plans
Adjusting people's retirement savings for inflation has dented the confidence of those putting a nest egg aside, an ANZ survey has found.
Inflation dents retirement savings confidence
Adjusting peoples' retirement savings for inflation has dented the confidence of those putting a nest egg aside, an ANZ survey has found.
Unwary residents caught in trap
It's a sunny weekday morning and the lounge of Maygrove Village in Orewa is sparsely populated.
All Blacks' score a mixed result
On the field, Richie McCaw and Dan Carter have largely managed to avoid the wrath of referees' cards.
Would you spend the kids' inheritance?
"Spending the Kids' Inheritance" - or SKIing as it is sometimes called - is an increasingly popular phenomenon.
Fran O'Sullivan: Act Party opens options on Super
Who better than Prebble to spot a potential wedge between National and Act and create a groundswell in favour of raising the superannuation age, writes Fran O'Sullivan.
Expert slams retirement warning
A retirement policy expert has hit back at a warning by a KiwiSaver provider that New Zealanders face the prospect of a retirement income that meets only basic needs.
McCaw big player in aged care
All Black captain Richie McCaw has been planning for retirement by investing in the aged-care industry.
John Roughan: Not all need a pension at 65
John Key has not made many political mistakes but even on his side of the fence there is a feeling he went too far, writes John Roughan.
Developer hits out over delays
A retirement village developer spending $500 million in Auckland says building in the city is hard because Auckland Council is extremely slow to process consent applications.
Brave KiwiSavers reap rewards
Savers who keep their money in conservative KiwiSaver funds lag behind those in growth funds and risk having a smaller nest egg at retirement, warns Morningstar.
Live chat: Aged Care Association CEO Martin Taylor
The chief executive of the Aged Care Associations Martin Taylor joins us at midday today to answer your questions about the aged care industry.
Aged care's low-paid workforce
Caregivers do tasks few could stomach, often for minimal wages, report Simon Collins and Martin Johnston.
Troubled rest home makes big changes
A rest home where a nurse was accused of threatening an elderly woman with being committed to a mental institution says it has made major changes and provides high-quality care.
Lessons not learned, say family
"It's not a commodity you're dealing with, it's humans." Lloyd Dean fears the Edmund Hillary Retirement Village in Remuera failed to learn the lessons of his dad's death.
9-month scabies outbreak in rest home
An outbreak of scabies infestations at a rest home wasn't managed properly for nine months, an official investigation has found.
Retirement centres aim for top dollar
Long-term care for elderly New Zealanders is becoming a byproduct of the property development business.
Ngai Tahu youth best young savers
Young people from Ngai Tahu are more likely to be saving for retirement and are more wary of debt than other Kiwis their age, a study has found.
Twin perils of old age
If you're in your golden years and don't think you have enough money saved for a comfortable retirement, you're in good company.