Latest fromRetirement Villages
Rest home food shock
Aged care experts want a nationwide review of rest home meals after revelations large numbers of elderly people are malnourished.
Success: Flooring firm tries to avoid slip ups
Impact-absorbent tiles could become a safety feature in rest homes.
Rest homes reject DHB demand for birth details
Rest homes are refusing to comply with a demand to find old people's birth certificates to prove they are eligible for care subsidies.
<i>Gillian Marie:</i> Rest homes must be more than holding cells for elderly
Gillian Marie says we must take action to ensure seniors are not denied their right to quality care.
<i>Geoff Harper:</i> Country's rest home industry leaves a lot to be desired
Geoff Harper asks whether we are warehousing our elderly for profit.
Resthome runaway - elderly woman's big adventure
Rugged up and in sturdy shoes, with a rucksack full of clothes, shampoo and cash, Jeanette Mary Alder was going "as far as she could go".
Nurse struck off for punching elderly man in mouth
A nurse has been struck off the register for punching a "vulnerable" elderly man in the mouth while she was working at a resthome.