John Collyns: Retirement villages help ease housing shortage
The Government's Housing Accord with Auckland Council will hopefully go some way to boosting the delivery of much-needed housing.
The Government's Housing Accord with Auckland Council will hopefully go some way to boosting the delivery of much-needed housing.
Retirement village operators will fail, more law changes are on the cards and businesses in the sector will undergo more mergers, says Norah Barlow.
The executor of an estate has criticised retirement village owner/operator Metlifecare, saying more than $200,000 was lost from her late mother's Remuera village apartment.
Ryman Healthcare has secured a site for its second retirement village in Melbourne, which it expects to spend more than $100 million to build.
Local hapu Ngati Whatua Orakei now says it isn't selling a prime piece of Auckland waterfront land to retirement village operator Ryman - it's only leasing it.
New Zealand's male-dominated business culture with its old-boy sports and education network is sabotaging the promotion of women, says exiting Summerset Group boss Norah Barlow.
Ryman Healthcare will invest $690 million in Auckland, building five of eight new villages in the city including one $210 million project.
All Black captain Richie McCaw has been planning for retirement by investing in the aged-care industry.
A retirement village developer spending $500 million in Auckland says building in the city is hard because Auckland Council is extremely slow to process consent applications.
The chief executive of the Aged Care Associations Martin Taylor joins us at midday today to answer your questions about the aged care industry.
One of the country's biggest rest homes has been stung for letting two elderly residents lose a substantial amount of weight without proper intervention.
A rest home where a nurse was accused of threatening an elderly woman with being committed to a mental institution says it has made major changes and provides high-quality care.
"It's not a commodity you're dealing with, it's humans." Lloyd Dean fears the Edmund Hillary Retirement Village in Remuera failed to learn the lessons of his dad's death.
An outbreak of scabies infestations at a rest home wasn't managed properly for nine months, an official investigation has found.
Long-term care for elderly New Zealanders is becoming a byproduct of the property development business.
A trust that sold off a 100-year lease of Auckland's historic Ranfurly veterans' home has called in an outside expert to review the quality of care the veterans are now receiving.
Ryman Healthcare launched a promotion of its new $140 million Auckland retirement village yesterday as its boss told of Wellington staff changes following issues over care.
Executives at highly rated retirement business Summerset Group Holdings say it is on target to finish 200 new village units this year and that they are gearing up to build 300 by 2015.
Statistics NZ said yesterday that the population aged 65-plus had doubled since the early 1980s to 635,200 and was likely to double again by 2040.
Three NZX-listed retirement businesses are in a big growth phase, with more than 1000 new units planned.
A home that was supposed to be a retirement dream has become a fast-tightening noose around its owner's neck, after he has become trapped in a rare situation where he must move - but can't sell.
Mia Geraets lived for 25 years at the resthome her brother helped establish. It was a shock to her family when the resthome operators said the 85-year-old would have to leave the only place she knew as home.