Latest fromRetirement Commission

NZ over-65s staying in paid work longer to ‘transition into retirement’
Superannuation kicks in at 65, but people are staying in work longer.

Asset-rich, cash-poor: Retirees selling homes and hitting the road
The New Zealand Motor Home Association's CEO is urging them not to make too big a leap.

ComCom wrote to 12 retirement village owners on false, misleading claims
Companies should seek legal advice about issues it had raised, Commerce Commission said.

'Totally unfair': Retirement village resident decries $285,000 transfer fee
Consumer NZ says such fees are unfair and mean people often can't shift.

Retirement giant fined $37k after widow complained of husband's dementia care
Failure to make a sensory room available was the heart of the case, heard twice.

Mary Holm: Best investments for old age & what to know about residential-care rules
Exercise can pay dividends too.

The high cost of breaking up after 50
Research finds almost everyone is financially worse off after a split.

Rest homes charging up to $100 a day for ‘premium’ rooms
Charges range from $10 to $100 a day, and can vary by specific room.

How many Kiwis live in retirement villages owned by the 'big six' operators?
Areas have been identified where NZ populations of those aged 75-plus are growing fastest.

'Concerning' trends emerging as KiwiSaver gender gap widens
A number of challenges face women as they save less than men on average.

Retirement village ripoff: $100 charge to replace $5.80 washer for toilet
'Always happy to investigate any issue of alleged unfairness or inappropriate charging.'

Shane Te Pou: Your wish is National’s new policy
OPINION Whatever increases the chances you’ll vote for him, Luxon is happy to oblige.

Ten 'unfair' retirement village practices: Govt review under way
Practices a focus of Government review announced in December, due out this September.

Readers' views: Democracy will fail if left to rely on one person, one vote
Our readers have their say.

Retirement village law under spotlight for potential reform
Probe comes following widespread calls for change in the sector.

Retirement Commissioner calls for asset cap rise on accommodation supplement
The Retirement Commissioner has made 35 recommendations for change.

'What we didn't realise about our retirement village'
OPINION: Consumer NZ has called for an urgent review of residents' protections.

271 complaints in six months: What irks retirement village residents most
Neighbours' behaviour, poor services, bad management and fees were among the complaints.

Jane Wrightson: In support of universal superannuation
OPINION: Retirement Commission asks why we would even consider scrapping universal super.

Retirement gap: Academic lambasts finance industry, Govt over lack of progress
Dr Pushpa Wood has called to more action from employers and government.

Bad then, worse now: How Covid-19 will hurt retired women
Women are worse off than men in retirement, experts predict Covid will make things worse