Prices slashed for Boxing Day sales
Retailers are embracing Boxing Day sales, with many calling it the busiest day of the year
Retailers are embracing Boxing Day sales, with many calling it the busiest day of the year
Kiwis are spending up large this Christmas and it is set to continue on Boxing Day.
The tills were ringing yesterday as Kiwis spent up large.
The place looked pretty to Katrina Arthur and her husband... from the outside.
Shoppers at Sylvia Park talk about the busy Christmas season. / Jason Oxenham
Comment: Christmas should be cheerful, not stressful
North Island and South Island shopping habits differ
Consumer confidence dipped in December, the third consecutive decline
Spending for many merchants would be more than twice the weekly average
Hallenstein Glassons Holdings is hoping to lift annual profit by more than 50 per cent.
The America's Cup could bring a multimillion-dollar windfall to Auckland retailers.
Sir Frank Lowy's Westfield Corp is set to be taken over by European shopping centre giant.
Charging stations will be free to use for about six months.
Boatshed for chopper landing pad will have fold-back roof.
Kid is one of the world's biggest YouTube stars, raking in a fortune for reviewing toys.
Five per cent of Kiwis won't be buying Christmas presents this year, say researchers.
Shoppers are the least satisfied during lead-up to Christmas, a study shows,
Local businesses are seeing red with a new Westpac bank promotion offering overseas deals.
A retail worker's nightmare before Christmas.
Warm weather and the Christmas gifting season is good news for retailers.
"Once Amazon owned my door, I was locked into an all-Amazon world."
A complete range of Pumpkin Patch clothes will be released early next year.
Iyia Liu is the brains behind multi-million dollar firms Waist Trainer and Luxe Fitness.
Shane Kelly, General Manager of Blackwell and Sons, the only store in NZ to sell Pashley bikes, talks about why the brand is so great.
Amazon has launched Down Under but Kiwis cannot yet bag a bargain.
Sales rose 6.4 per cent to $953 million while net profit increased to $36.4m
It's best to steer clear of soap, weird food and books on weight loss or dieting.