Latest fromRetailing
Vodafone market share sinks as 2degrees grows
Vodafone NZ's market share sank below 50 per cent last year as new kid on the block 2degrees mobile entered the market.
Shoppers face GST price-rise rort
Consumers face price increases beyond the likely 2.5 per cent rise in GST later this year, small businesses say.
ANZ face 'significant' loss on Provenco-Cadmus
ANZ National can expect a 'significant shortfall' on the $26 million it's owed by ProvencoCadmus.
Big plans for Sylvia Park
A $1 billion plan could almost quadruple the size of Mt Wellington's Sylvia Park and make it a new town hub.
One plus one - does it add up to higher prices?
In 2001, Consumers Institute head David Russell warned food prices were likely to rise once the supermarket industry shrank from three big players to two.
Big two supermarket chains locked in fierce food fight
The grocery industry, lest we forget, is basically trench warfare, Tim Morris insists.
Bookshops: Don't treat us like babysitters
A children's bookshop is working with security staff of a nearby tavern and casino over the growing problem of parents leaving children to read while they gamble.
Butt Cam aims for rear insight
Casual wear retailer Jeanswest has introduced cameras in some changing rooms which film shopper's bums as they try on clothes.
Illegal trading figures 'on par' with 2009
The Department of Labour will consider prosecuting 38 retailers after 19 were caught trading on Good Friday and another 19 on Easter Sunday.