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The earthquake - five things you need to know (Wednesday)
If you only have a minute and you want today's need-to-know earthquake news at a glance, this is the page for you.

Quake already hitting Canterbury retail economy
Canterbury businesses are doing a third less trade than the same time last year in the wake of Saturday's earthquake, latest electronic transaction figures show.

Heritage buildings to be demolished
Two heritage buildings in central Christchurch are likely to be demolished this afternoon due to quake damage, the city council says.

Appeal for info on solo pensioners after earthquake
Welfare staff are unable to contact thousands of solo pensioners in Canterbury and the Government is urging anyone looking after them to get in touch.

Key: Trip 'not prudent' in wake of earthquake
John Key has cancelled his scheduled trip to Europe in the wake of the Christchurch earthquake.

The earthquake - five things you need to know (Tuesday)
If you only have a minute and you want today's need-to-know earthquake news at a glance, this is the page for you.

Earthquake aftershocks disturb Christchurch
Aftershocks rocking Christchurch have damaged an earthquake welfare centre and forced its closure.

Heartbreak in the earthquake rubble
Devastated shop owners in Christchurch had to flee as aftershocks interrupted their damage checks.

Kumfs rebrands to become Ziera for more fashion appeal
Women's shoe retailer Kumfs is rebranding this month to engage a younger audience and increase overseas sales, its managing director says.

More women come forward in $46m harassment case
More sexual harrassment claims against former David Jones chief executive Mark McInnes.

Newmarket diversion dismays retailers
Businesses are concerned traffic diversions to be put in place while the Newmarket Viaduct is developed will create traffic mayhem.