Latest fromRetailing
Kiwis spending $45 less every week - economist
The average NZer is spending $45 less a week than before the recession in a bid to wipe out debt and inject equity into their homes.
More women come forward in $46m harassment case
More sexual harrassment claims against former David Jones chief executive Mark McInnes.
Newmarket diversion dismays retailers
Businesses are concerned traffic diversions to be put in place while the Newmarket Viaduct is developed will create traffic mayhem.
Alcohol clampdown unfairly targets dairies, owners say
Dairy owners say they should have the same rights as supermarkets when it comes to selling alcohol.
'Fashion capital' loses its shine as sales dwindle
NZ's premier shopping district could be losing its shine, with high numbers of shops forced to close and others selling almost nothing.
Land of expensive milk and honey
Feeling the pinch as you do the supermarket shopping this weekend? You're not alone - Kiwis really do pay more as a proportion of their incomes for everyday items than many overseas.