Black Power gang members squat in rental home: Why owners are hamstrung
'Poor owner' caught in the middle after gang members invade house for eight months.
'Poor owner' caught in the middle after gang members invade house for eight months.
Offshore, absentee landlords warned to comply with our tenancy law
Another step has been completed in the Auckland railway system upgrade.
The tenant also waited 38 weeks to get keys for the property.
The Milford apartment plan has been reignited.
Originally the clubhouse for the adjoining golf club, the house has had a few makeovers.
Owners had plenty of time to plot the redesign of their Browns Bay cliff-top property.
Attendees will get a glimpse into some of Waiheke's finest houses.
Banks are open for business but want to see that home buyers can service their debt.
Analysts warn property downturn will have impact on wider economy.
Lure of charming bungalow in 'burbs ends couple's dream of living in the 'Big Apple'.
Licence to mine in a river once considered one of richest for gold is for sale.
A $250 fee charged to man transferring his rental to his niece concerns renters groups.
The Herald tracks two families selling their homes - one with an agent, one without.
The property is about 60m to Herne Bay Beach and designed for a family or empty-nesters.
How building material costs in New Zealand compare with those in Australia.
IKEA might trial smaller-format store for NZ debut.
Properties in upmarket North Shore beach location draw interest from townhouse developers.
Economist warns to expect more "soft" housing data from Auckland this year.
Auckland prices down 0.8 per cent from 2017 to 2018.
COMMENT: Will the Government's new rules really improve things for first-home buyers?
The blaze burned through the top floor of a Housing NZ apartment complex.
While fewer houses sell in summer compared to spring, sale prices are just as high.
Leonie Freeman says focus must be on building cities that support the wellbeing of Kiwis.
Airbnb hosts now have to pay tax. One problem - the council can't track them down.
Take a look at some of the most spectacular Kiwi homes on sale this summer.
Barfoot & Thompson boss reveals plans for 2019
Where to for the housing market in 2019?
Ebert Construction's failure a symptom of raft of issues.