'Your landlord can't force you to pay for carpet cleaning'
Landlords must expect to have to do some cleaning between tenancies,Tribunal rules.
Landlords must expect to have to do some cleaning between tenancies,Tribunal rules.
Focus Live Earlier: $40 million loss on racing club's foray into housing.
Voids in the rock up to 4m high by 2m wide had to be filled.
The classic airplane could be converted into tiny home, Airbnb or coffee van, seller says.
ANZ and Westpac are owed $40m by next year.
It offers 22 'compact' bedrooms, and a shared living spaces. But there's a movie room.
Residents aren't happy about the proposed changes.
The car park is now under investigation by the council's compliance team.
"I had a house for sale and they wanted to buy it." - Sir John Key.
Four properties demolished for carparking had a combined value of nearly $10 million.
"Every month I go to Seattle and show off my goods." Costco's Patrick Noone.
A derelict villa has been transformed into two luxury apartments with heritage intact.
With the boom years over, property investors gather to learn how to get rich in a downturn
Meet the people behind Costco's entry to NZ.
Garage conversions add value to a house sale, but have been described as "exploitation".
Waingakau is set on 15.5 hectares of semi-rural land on the western edge of Flaxmere.
Court rules on couple's interest in subdivided land lots.
Arrow was working on about 20 projects when it hit trouble
Westpac economists are picking that the housing market will bounce sharply next year.
Throwing in 2012 McLaren sports car helped agents make 'extremely fast' house sale.
Ashley Church on the consequences of a huge drop in house prices.
Ashley church on the steps buyers can take to get into the property market.
Ashley Church on why politicians don't understand property.
The agents arranged two separate commissions on a single sale.
"The buyers we have are very keen to seal the deal so one of them can go for a drive."
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff previously said it could cost ratepayers $80m in restoration.
Raft of projects in pipeline over next eight years, and $2.1b of work already happening.
It's a house sale with a powerful, supercharged orange twist.