Council's warning over illegal garage conversions: We will prosecute
"We are really concerned about landlords creating substandard living environments."
"We are really concerned about landlords creating substandard living environments."
Landlords will soon be able to claim up to four weeks' rent if tenants damage their homes.
Shareholders gather as Ryman holds AGM at its Orewa village
"Licensee Neilan failed to act in the client's best interest" - Real Estate Authority
It pays to think carefully before sending an email.
Partners should also share income for a period after a breakup, Law Commission says.
Gary Stone says the allegations against him are baseless and vindictive.
"The house and studio look like hawks from an aerial view." - Denise Ryan Costello
Thou shall not park. Remuera agent served abatement notice by council.
A Japanese-inspired home and a unique barn conversion turn heads in architecture awards.
Landlord to fork out $2500 because they didn't do enough to protect tenant from neighbour.
Two Palmerston North agents for Colliers win partial victory
Population growth has outstripped housing supply again.
Orange H Group, part of McConnell Ltd, retained a number of legacy and ongoing projects.
"I adopt the argument for the plaintiffs" - Justice Christian Whata, High Court
Developers are quitting Auckland projects and seeking urgent or 'fire sales', agent says.
The old Patea post office building could deliver a 10.8 per cent return on investment.
The vendors are selling at a substantial loss.
Winter holiday home and income in Ōhakune for under $300,000.
Massive Waitoki property with bonus Maserati will be sold within weeks: Agent
Rodney Day portrayed himself as a licenced builder when he was not.
Anthony Murrell had several plants growing in the lounge during open home, agent says.
Robert Angus failed to lodge bonds for numerous tenants at his Moa St Boarding house.
Jason O'Reilly was jailed for 12 years for serious child sex crimes.
New Zealand and Canada have the highest cost of housing compared with wages.
The watchdog is worried that retirees don't know what they're signing up for.
The estate agent hired a colleague to purchase her own family home.
Former BNZ banker has had his sentencing conditions eased after forfeiting $850,000.
The bad news is the other tenants need to use the washing machine on Saturdays.