Apartment site being offloaded at half price
The vendors are selling at a substantial loss.
The vendors are selling at a substantial loss.
It 'makes no sense' that Housing NZ would make such an agreement, Tenancy Tribunal said.
A woman renting on a farm lodged a Tenancy Tribunal claim against her landlord.
Winter holiday home and income in Ōhakune for under $300,000.
Massive Waitoki property with bonus Maserati will be sold within weeks: Agent
Rodney Day portrayed himself as a licenced builder when he was not.
Anthony Murrell had several plants growing in the lounge during open home, agent says.
Robert Angus failed to lodge bonds for numerous tenants at his Moa St Boarding house.
Jason O'Reilly was jailed for 12 years for serious child sex crimes.
The watchdog is worried that retirees don't know what they're signing up for.
The estate agent hired a colleague to purchase her own family home.
Former BNZ banker has had his sentencing conditions eased after forfeiting $850,000.
The bad news is the other tenants need to use the washing machine on Saturdays.
When visiting an open home, you've got to know exactly what to look out for.
Engineers examined the more restricted-entry Vogel Lane elevation
The video encouraged investors to target the 'seven Ds'.
Fishers set one of this year's top property prices with 9ha purchase.
Auckland CBD could return to normal four days after panel fell from building.
Robert Strickland has been trying to get the house repaired for the last 5 months.
Grey high-rise is distinctive for its upper-level jutting-out feature
A lawyer says there could be as many as 20 reasons for this kind of transfer.
It sold for $20,000, but, of course, there is a catch.
It's Golden Bay owner says the housetruck is raring to go on a 'big gypsy mission'.
Landmark property being restored to its former glory.
Billionaire Aussie sought helicopter flights from his property near Queenstown
Positive reaction to Metlifecare site begs question of villages using more design.
The buyer of NZ's most expensive home this year can now be revealed.
Comment: Property market is a complex and dynamic structure of location, time and scale.
"The current situation ... remains at a standstill." - heritage manager Noel Reardon
Tenants can win $4000 damages for uninsulated rentals. Here's how to check your home.