'Lives at risk': Tenants win $22,000 over horror rental
Water dripped into children's bedroom for three years. It could've been fixed for $240.
Water dripped into children's bedroom for three years. It could've been fixed for $240.
The Pacific could cost $16m plus to fix.
"Sets the scene for Auckland housing market to be active to year-end" - Barfoot
One lucky fan can enjoy the final in Tokyo and an after party at his Waiheke bach.
Latest Overseas Investment Office decisions out
Landlord Karen Brown has featured in more than 20 Tenancy Tribunal cases.
The tenants accused the landlord of "aggressive behaviour and unpredictability".
Overseas Investment Act changes make process more challenging and more expensive.
Shareholder resolution sees liquidator appointed
Update on picturesque Hobsonville Point house sales.
Agents may be forced to pay compensation to buyers and sellers who lose money.
Look out first-home buyers. House prices are set to boom again.
The Pacifica building is 70 per cent complete.
COMMENT: There's no quick fix to the housing shortage but something needs to be done now.
New build houses can turn into goldmines for homeowners.
Where to now for a post-fire Fletcher Building: Analysts ponder pros and cons.
Heritage lovers will love the home but need to be ready to work, expert says.
Should tenants be able to get a state house for life?
What use now for the council's new property near Lake Hayes?
Supermarket baron's North Auckland mega mansion on sale.
Demand growing for the products, starting from $69,000.
Home owners in these regions and Auckland suburbs have plenty of reasons to smile.
The final apartment from The Block NZ has been listed for an auction on November 7.
A small family home in Gisborne has taken out this year's Architectural Design Awards.
NZICC has suffered continued delays.
Pundits tip Reserve Bank to further ease tough lending rules for investors.
Has the commission exceeded its scope? Industry leaders puzzled by probe.
House are more affordable, but first home buyers now facing competition from investors.
Clever Core NZ plant being unveiled at Cavendish Dr, Wiri