Landlords v tenants: The law changes that could affect 1.5m people
Law change means much at stake in $171b rental sector, home to 1.5m tenants.
Law change means much at stake in $171b rental sector, home to 1.5m tenants.
What happened to St Lukes? "Newmarket," says Peter Allen, CEO Scentre Group.
Possible next steps outlined. Who's the potential bidder?
The Auckland landlord claimed he only had his gun on hand in case he saw a wild pig.
A Southland renter left behind a collection of historical stolen goods, Tribunal says.
Editorial: Balancing tenant security with landlord interests is a tightrope act.
HCC earned $25,000 from renting out the substandard Victoria St flat in the last year.
15-level hotel/office block planned for Sylvia Park
The business posted a half-year profit of $45m.
The company's profit dropped 24 per cent.
The developer of the 57-level Pacifica apartment tower has had assets frozen.
Comment: Nine important lessons to learn about property in New Zealand.
Jarden analysed the listed real estate sector.
But a government watchdog has cautioned buyers to beware of what they are purchasing.
An Auckland apartment is selling for $49k. But that's not the cheapest to sell this year.
Sandringham rental cramming 8 bunks beds into 2 bedrooms under investigation.
Peter Lee's false representations likely breached the Fair Trading Act
Could this be West Auckland's cheapest apartment - well, yes there is a catch.
Take a peek inside the exclusive Parnell home of a New Zealand property mogul.
Landlord says they will have less control with no-cause tenancy termination change.
The 40 most powerful people in NZ property revealed.
Beauden and Hannah Barrett choose new Auckland home - one that is very familiar to them.
This old homestead once included its own island. Now it looks set to fall to urban sprawl.
What is New Zealand's best new buildings? NZIA awards announced
Hamilton woman Angela Robb says she's suffered a brain aneurysm due to the stress.
Despite property's high profile, many on this list like to stay under the radar.
Tenant alarmed to learn poisonous email was intended as a curse.
New Zealand's first property power list published tomorrow.
Free office space in NZ's most expensive city? There must be a catch.
A new business is looking to sell shared homeownership opportunities.