His Airbnb home was used as a brothel. He's now been offered counselling
Plumber called to fix hot water system after heavy use finds scenes of a brothel.
Plumber called to fix hot water system after heavy use finds scenes of a brothel.
Who wins when multimillionaire families feud?
COMMENT: Why has Govt done so much less than promised? Simon Wilson's election challenge.
The Auckland mayor has disclosed his priorities for the Govt's $12b infrastructure fund.
"Extremely difficult for these poor landlords to get back the money" - Andrew King
The tenants tried to get out of the lease within two months of signing on.
Landlords were found to be in breach of law.
Peter Thompson said last month was particularly strong for sales volumes.
National MPs have long called for the changes with signatures on petition growing.
"Top contender among latest generation of world-class courses" - Golf Digest
Young professionals are struggling to find rental properties in Wellington.
Tomorrow, government will cut off all services to the community, including electricity.
A Herald investigation reveals the names behind biggest house purchases in last two years.
Kiwi rich listers and wealthy foreign buyers snapped up 2018's priciest pads.
Exclusive research reveals the nation's top celebrity and rich-lister home buyers.
Mayor pulls back from his earlier demands for an investigation into substandard plumbing.
"If I could eliminate all safety risks, I would."
Owner wishes he'd let kiwi be released on his land 23 years ago, instead of weka.
Huge repair costs mean leaky homes are going unrepaired and putting lives at risk.
Comment: Auckland's been my home my entire adult life and I love it - but I see its flaws.
OneRoof reveals its most viewed properties this year.
"Allegations about hold-ups due to defects in the diaphragm wall are incorrect" - engineer
Neil Gray claims he was misled about the unit he was buying and wants his deposit back.
Brierley's first business venture was trading stamps at high school.
"We've got a waiting list" - marina general manager.
The Aukusitinos are moving into their new home just in time for Christmas.
Thinking of getting a pool for the backyard? Here are the things you'll need to consider before diving in.
Legal title to Key home now transferred to Lianzhong Chen