Metlifecare claims $1.49b takeover deal still on, even with termination rights
"APVG has termination rights" - Metlifecare on takeover deal.
"APVG has termination rights" - Metlifecare on takeover deal.
There is confusion over whether tenants and house sellers and buyers can move homes.
Businesses and commercial property owners need to check their leases to see who pays.
Landlords and tenants urged to work together because both will need the other in downturn.
Employees checklist or audit of their new workplace suggested
Fletcher is the latest company to can its dividend.
Settlements and house moving likely to be deferred but no official decision has been made.
Landlords have been advised to talk to their banks early.
New Zealand's lockdown has raised more questions than answers in the housing market.
Kiwi renters will get relief from any increases in rent during the immediate crisis.
Summerset has ramped up security around its retirement villages.
Potential long- and short-term scenarios revealed.
Banks are urging any customers hit financially by the crisis to contact them early.
Top 20 NZ homes: all is revealed in a never-before-seen list.
"We would expect signoff on the foundations around mid-year." - council chief.
Bank drops one-year fixed home loan rate to 3.05 per cent.
Now some Airbnb owners have turned to targeting guests needing to self-isolate.
"We have seen the impact on older people overseas" - Ryman's David King.
What future five NZX listed retirement stocks?
Shamubeel Eaqub says NZ faces a long recession caused by coronavirus.
Buyers employed in tourism may soon face a battle securing home loans due to coronavirus.
KiwiBuild flats are the "success story" of the Auckland apartment market, report says.
TV house sits on land zoned for intensification.
Two key issued faced those who worked from home.
It's still to early to see what impact coronavirus will have on house prices.
Humble Māngere home sets a record sale price above the million-dollar mark.
Retirement village CEOs respond to spread concerns.
"I did it because I've done well in my life" - Manson
Buyer who spent just five months in The Block NZ penthouse has relisted it.