Tenants stuck feeding dozens of ducks and chooks win $4000
Up to 70 turkeys, ducks and chooks were left on the property with no plans for their care.
Up to 70 turkeys, ducks and chooks were left on the property with no plans for their care.
"Purchasers can't even view the completed development" - The Antipodean buyer.
Union: "It shows a lack of respect for the workforce that keeps their company moving."
Buyers are anticipating lower prices, but many have left the market.
"I still haven't slept in it - but a tramp has," Barry Colman said of his new property.
Hardship for renters and landlords expected to get worse, property investors say.
Embattled businessman moves into $10m Kensington townhouse.
"We are simply not able to continue to pay all our New Zealand people" - chief says.
This one key move might help many businesses stay afloat.
Ray Chun says the situation is unfair and the Government should offer relief to renters.
But where to from here for house building?
Contractors could suffer severe financial hardship.
"Stay home, save lives" - Harry Hart
Three film crew from Avatar's cancelled film set say landlord unfairly pocketed $20,000.
Airbnb wants to match medical workers tackling coronavirus with safe places to stay.
COMMENT: What's the point of solving a supply crisis if you risk creating a slum crisis?
"APVG has termination rights" - Metlifecare on takeover deal.
Landlords and tenants urged to work together because both will need the other in downturn.
Employees checklist or audit of their new workplace suggested
Fletcher is the latest company to can its dividend.
Settlements and house moving likely to be deferred but no official decision has been made.
Landlords have been advised to talk to their banks early.
New Zealand's lockdown has raised more questions than answers in the housing market.
Emergency tenancy measures "during this difficult time".
Landlord unable to return from China: coronavirus travel restrictions
Kiwi renters will get relief from any increases in rent during the immediate crisis.
Summerset has ramped up security around its retirement villages.
Potential long- and short-term scenarios revealed.
Banks are urging any customers hit financially by the crisis to contact them early.