Giant property firm granted land deal - but price, location kept secret
NZX property giant wants to develop build-to-rent apartments.
NZX property giant wants to develop build-to-rent apartments.
The landlord wanted his tenants gone. His eviction methods have proved costly.
The investment will allow 100 community houses to be built in Auckland in two years.
CEO faces three quarantine lags: two here, one in Australia.
A new report for Master Builders raises concerns about Covid's effects on the sector.
'Determined that housing doesn't look like it did post-GFC' - Woods
Sharing economy drives appetite for more rental housing, says Chris Key, Greystar.
Rough sleepers have been returning to Auckland streets - but it's not what it seems.
Project, with water on three sides, to be 8m to 9m above existing sea level.
"She couldn't believe it happened. She's blown away!".
Plus, Singaporeans eye NZ commercial property.
Tribunal orders rental management firm to pay compensation to tenant.
But true cost to SOE is actually far higher.
'A far cry from the school prefab' - Chris Darby.
Full details of performance in the past year released.
A Dunedin rental's wood was so rotten that mushrooms were growing.
Comments alleged to have been made at Mt Hutt Lodge body corporate meeting.
Tenancy Tribunal adjudicator agrees experience was frightening for woman.
Had it not been for the lockdown, this would have been a record year - Gaimster.
What REINZ data tells us about July residential sales
Who's who in the commercial construction sector, what effect has the pandemic had?
Still Covid-free, Ryman confirms $14m wage subsidy.
Swift reaction by aged care operators to avoid Victoria's deadly disaster.
Biggest NZ building manufacturer and supplier expects big loss.
"I won't pay rates until after I've left the earth."
Boyhood dream was sailing, but property became his passion
Letters on Covid quarantine, John Key, rents, climate and nukes.
The property was listed as "one of the most beautiful farms on earth".
Police are still hunting for the alleged attacker but have found two firearms.
List of 44 projects judged northern region's best.