Landlord fined for walking into sleeping woman's rental
Tenancy Tribunal adjudicator agrees experience was frightening for woman.
Tenancy Tribunal adjudicator agrees experience was frightening for woman.
Houses built in southern China are being craned on to sites in Auckland.
Had it not been for the lockdown, this would have been a record year - Gaimster.
What REINZ data tells us about July residential sales
Who's who in the commercial construction sector, what effect has the pandemic had?
Still Covid-free, Ryman confirms $14m wage subsidy.
Swift reaction by aged care operators to avoid Victoria's deadly disaster.
Biggest NZ building manufacturer and supplier expects big loss.
Letters on Covid quarantine, John Key, rents, climate and nukes.
The property was listed as "one of the most beautiful farms on earth".
Police are still hunting for the alleged attacker but have found two firearms.
List of 44 projects judged northern region's best.
Advertisements for the ad have now been pulled amid questions over the rental's legality.
The packed auction room led the home to sell for half a million dollars above CV.
What do July sales stats tell us about Auckland's housing market?
How Victoria's level 4 lockdown impacts NZ's biggest retirement specialist
Without the seawall, large parts of downtown Auckland would flood.
Auckland's housing market has changed from booming pre-Covid to flat over the past month.
Some investors accuse Airbnb owners of flooding the market with new long term rentals.
Big changes ahead for landlords as well as tenants.
"We don't want a big chain, we're not a factory." - Prakash Pandey
Investors make way for newbies for the first time during month of June.
Help to get low to median income households onto the property ladder.
Some Kiwis have a rose-tinted view of the housing market.
New policy aims to increase housing development in urban areas of growing cities.
Auckland's biggest outstanding rates bill is a whopping $217,000.
Banks are being less than apocalyptic on their expectations for housing market correction.
'The term kiwi koala killers has been used' - opponent