'Overlooked': Kiwi company's shares surge 300 per cent in 10 months
Share price rise expected to continue, with its fortunes partly pegged to housing sector.
Share price rise expected to continue, with its fortunes partly pegged to housing sector.
"More care and consideration will be taken when selecting tenants."
"Change that is long overdue and I am a landlord."
Illness or death of residents not main reason for strong trade
Empty rentals preferable to 'being stuck with tenant from hell', says property specialist.
Tenancies will only be able to be ended with specific, lawful reasons from next month.
December was the sixth straight month to see 1000 homes sold.
Resident chained to crane to save protected macrocarpa at Ockham development. Video / Michael Craig
"Highest price achieved so far is $3m" - Campbell Barbour
The Reserve Bank is just one of the parties in the gun.
It's harder in a hot market to find an affordable bach - but it can be done, agents say.
National house price growth of 13-16 per cent picked in next few months.
Some sellers take it easy when the market's hot. Bad mistake, agents say.
Can you achieve work-life balance and pay less for your home?
Retirees say they'll be forced to go without when their rent goes up next month.
Queenstown's housing market has weathered the Covid storm remarkably well.
Meet some of Rotorua's seasoned "streeties" who say "it's not that bad being us".
Lockdown might even be a joy if you owned one of these stunning properties.
But buyers won't be moving in before Christmas.
Aucklanders splurged even more, with spending up 40% to $29.2 billion.
Local politician says Govt failure is allowing the market to drive further inequality.
'There is concern about what's going to happen in the first quarter of 2021.'
The proposal is for a 9-hole golf course, 180 visitor-accommodation places and 120 homes.
When you can't borrow for a long time, you need to do some hard thinking.
House values have climbed by $1800 - a day - in this scorching hot suburb.
The highway will service 120,000 new residents over the next 30 years.
The new highway will support another 120,000 residents in South Auckland.
Mowbrays threaten litigation against fellow apartment owners.
Outgoing chairman Rob Campbell said the time was right to return the money.
Twin-block planned when international students were plentiful.