Landlords on tenant blacklist: Owners' response to Privacy Commissioner
'No wonder people are setting up things like the Facebook page' - Andrew King.
'No wonder people are setting up things like the Facebook page' - Andrew King.
Consents for new townhouses, flats, and units growing fastest.
Barfoot & Thompson first to issue January sales figures
Covid has ripped out a chapter of many young people's lives and put another on steroids.
Prices are up 12.8 per cent on a year ago - and set to rise further, property expert says.
Some contracts risk breaching consumer law says chief executive.
The house at 54 Brougham St was built between 1913 and 1918.
"State house waitlist could grow if landlords don't take on new tenants." - Nicola Willis
One of the most high-end places to stay in this country: sold.
'Interest and competition for properties appears to be on the up.' - Kiri Barfoot.
Buying Mt Roskill, Māngere apartments target of new fund.
Antique dealer nets huge sale price. But how is he going to move all his stuff out?
"Over 99 per cent of them wouldn't have a clue," - Goodwin.
One horrific graph shows reveals how housing costs have risen far faster than wages.
Ministry of Housing and Urban Development outlines how negotiations should go.
A brand name better known for electronics than construction finishes its first NZ home.
Does Kāinga Ora have the ability to deliver the homes Government is promising?
The Government's hit with some home truths after Thursday's "re-announcement".
'Super penthouse has not gone unconditional but we have had an offer.'
Owners of nearly 600,000 rental properties need to know impact of looming law changes.
Five regions recorded the biggest price rises - and one small district topped the lot.
Nearly 10,000 people needed emergency assistance in the second half of last year.
The Herald found just 14 landlords have been given the toughest sanction in 10 years.
Reinz figures show Rotorua's median house price is now $541,000.
Median house prices in Queenstown rose to $1,050,000 last month.
Big changes on February 11: the more tenants know, the better
Many records broken: glimpse of market's strength
The tenants claimed they couldn't sleep in the master bedroom.
Pundits hope a jump in vacant land sales helps ease Auckland's pressing housing shortage.
List defines minor changes landlords cannot reasonably refuse within 21 days