Ardern's promise to fix the housing crisis: Your feedback
The Government's hit with some home truths after Thursday's "re-announcement".
The Government's hit with some home truths after Thursday's "re-announcement".
For the first time, the Bay has two $1m suburbs, as prices move into a new stratosphere.
About 600 people to live in skyscraper apartment tower.
'Super penthouse has not gone unconditional but we have had an offer.'
Owners of nearly 600,000 rental properties need to know impact of looming law changes.
Five regions recorded the biggest price rises - and one small district topped the lot.
Nearly 10,000 people needed emergency assistance in the second half of last year.
The Herald found just 14 landlords have been given the toughest sanction in 10 years.
Reinz figures show Rotorua's median house price is now $541,000.
Many records broken: glimpse of market's strength
The tenants claimed they couldn't sleep in the master bedroom.
Pundits hope a jump in vacant land sales helps ease Auckland's pressing housing shortage.
List defines minor changes landlords cannot reasonably refuse within 21 days
Share price rise expected to continue, with its fortunes partly pegged to housing sector.
"More care and consideration will be taken when selecting tenants."
"Change that is long overdue and I am a landlord."
Illness or death of residents not main reason for strong trade
Empty rentals preferable to 'being stuck with tenant from hell', says property specialist.
Resident chained to crane to save protected macrocarpa at Ockham development. Video / Michael Craig
"Highest price achieved so far is $3m" - Campbell Barbour
COMMENT: Trying to slow increase in house prices will involve suite of policy measures.
Time-lapse footage of construction at Omana North. Video / Omana North
The Reserve Bank is just one of the parties in the gun.
It's harder in a hot market to find an affordable bach - but it can be done, agents say.
National house price growth of 13-16 per cent picked in next few months.
Can you achieve work-life balance and pay less for your home?
Some sellers take it easy when the market's hot. Bad mistake, agents say.
Retirees say they'll be forced to go without when their rent goes up next month.
Queenstown's housing market has weathered the Covid storm remarkably well.
Meet some of Rotorua's seasoned "streeties" who say "it's not that bad being us".