Housing crisis: Desperate first-home buyers bid at two auctions at once
Two sisters risked accidentally buying two houses in a bid to get on the property ladder.
Two sisters risked accidentally buying two houses in a bid to get on the property ladder.
"We bent over backwards to help him," one creditor says.
Even the IRD argued against the changes.
A big problem requires big solutions.
Latest moves to help new buyers could cut house prices, boost rents — or a bit of both.
'We are in a much better position than we'd anticipated' - Chris Haines.
'You shaved another $100k of our property without discussing this with us' - vendors.
Opinion: Solutions are here - and widely used overseas - why are we so slow on the uptake?
OPINION: Newsflash: the 33pc of Kiwis who rent are no less hard-working than investors.
'Sadly...the complex has significant original design, construction failings"
It's now a case of the owners wading through the offers.
EDITORIAL: After a year of Covid, supposedly egalitarian NZ faces a "values stress test".
OPINION: Here's how not to be happy: focus on the things you don't have.
Changes to housing policy resurrects doubts that Labour had battled to shake off.
Kiwi attitudes to share investing have matured - now it's time to grow up about housing.
Labours broken promises and Nat's unempathetic leader.
Three open homes visited by the Herald drew just one potential buyer between them.
Carter Holt Harvey reportedly can't supply timber because of the house construction spike.
ASB has crunched the numbers on the Government's new housing policy.
Stunning home recreates English country manor life in the heart of Auckland.
Home sellers question if they should rush through sales before the weekend's tax changes.
It's better to limit runaway house prices now, before they do even more damage.
'Tax system favours debt-driven residential property investment' - David Parker.
Rental properties sold within the last four years will fall under bright-line regime.
12-house landlord can reduce $16,000 per year tax bill to almost zero dollars.
Cameron Bagrie says Treasury had four months to prioritise interest deductibility policy.
Chch is one of the few markets where the price threshold won't shift under Govt's scheme.
Investors have been targeted with tax changes to help stem soaring house prices.
New housing policies will slow the housing market but could they also slow the economy?
There are concerns that the changes do not address the plight of renters.