Latest fromResidential Property

NZ's dearest and cheapest homes revealed
Records show this home in the Southland town of Mataura (population 1740) was sold to an Auckland-based buyer in February for...

Renovation centre-stage at Home Show
Renovating to add value is a a main theme at this year's Auckland Home Show.

House sales jumped in August - report
One real estate agent says its August sales were almost 50 per cent higher than for the same period last year.

House prices gain, but with a warning
House values are climbing back towards last year's levels but the rise may be just temporary, one valuation company says.

Home loan rate cut to lowest in 40 years
ASB's floating home mortgage rate is the cheapest on the market and is thought to be the lowest available to home buyers for decades.

Spring boom for Auckland real estate market
Auckland has enjoyed a huge boom in real estate sales over the past 12 months, says Barfoot & Thompson.

Former Westpac boss's clifftop mansion sold - to his own bank
Westpac bought an exclusive North Shore property, valued at $6.8m, from its former boss after the property failed to sell.

Home sellers now have upper hand, says new report
A new property report says that a shortage of listings means sellers will soon have the upper hand in any Spring market upturn.

Two sides to the broker's coin
As the property market shows signs of rejuvenation, banks are loosening the purse strings.