Rush for home loans
Mortgage approvals reached their highest levels in almost four years last month, as people rushed to make the most of low interest rates.
Mortgage approvals reached their highest levels in almost four years last month, as people rushed to make the most of low interest rates.
A house just 500 metres outside of Auckland's sought-after triple grammar zone has sold for nearly $400,000 above its valuation.
Skills shortages for the Christchurch rebuild and a lack of homes in Auckland are likely to be key factors influencing the employment sector in 2013, a report says.
Floating mortgage holders could save more than $700 million this year by switching to a two-year fixed rate, statistics show.
Seaside Orewa could get more high-rise apartments under the Auckland Council's moves to write a new planning rule book that encourages more living in town centres.
Rural areas of New Zealand suffered big falls in property values last year as people continued to flock to the main centres.
The Labour Party housing policy for first-home buyers has struck a chord despite the Government's attempts to write it off as expensive and unrealistic.
New low-rise apartment blocks will be built in many Auckland suburbs this year in response to the housing supply crisis, an industry boss expects.
A coastal survey has shown that would-be home buyers are putting lifestyle convenience ahead of peace and quiet.
Pressure looks likely to stay on house prices in the year ahead, particularly in Auckland and Christchurch, experts say.
Imagine living metres from one of New Zealand's best beaches and only an hour from Auckland City.
Originally featured on May 12, this Titirangi property remains a firm favourite for its 1950s design and comfortable decor.
House prices have hit new records in seven of the past 12 months, a review of the year in property shows.
The decline in mortgagee sales of residential properties has been interpreted by a bank economist as a welcome sign of an improvement in the economy.
If anybody thinks they did understand property markets and the link with financial stability, these conference papers will disabuse them of that notion, writes David Chaplin.
Power bills have jumped more than $100 this year, latest figures show - but Auckland households can expect some reprieve next year.
A slowdown from the first half of the year is expected when economic growth figures for the September quarter come out on Thursday.