Mary Holm: Keeping inheritance after partner splits
My adult daughter - my only child - has been living with her partner for nearly four years in a relationship that may or may not last - it seems to be up and down.
My adult daughter - my only child - has been living with her partner for nearly four years in a relationship that may or may not last - it seems to be up and down.
New Zealand's commercial construction sector has been nailed into the ground by the recession, industry chiefs say, and Mainzeal Property and Construction's receivership came after a string of others.
Auckland's property market had a booming January, with one real estate company selling 78pc more homes worth more than $1 million than the same month last year.
It's time for a dose of fatalism and some common sense when it comes to dealing with earthquake-prone buildings across New Zealand in the wake of the Christchurch quakes.
A real estate agent who gave a first-home buyer incorrect information has been found guilty of "sloppy and unprofessional" conduct.
Max Byrnes, a Manukau Golf Club neighbour, fears for the Conifer Grove area when Fletcher Building puts up hundreds of houses.
What a lost opportunity at a time when the council is on a crusade to convert Aucklanders to the joys of intensive housing, writes Brian Rudman.
New Zealanders are showing a rising resistance to overseas investors, a business survey has found.
So coos the sugar-encrusted, but hollow-sounding real estate-speak intent on seducing would-be home buyers and hard-headed investors into succumbing to the charms of life at Hobsonville Pt.
A slight rebound in the number of new home listings last month did little to alleviate pressure in the property market.
The political year has begun and if there's one thing all parties can agree on, it's that we have a "housing crisis" on our hands, writes Dita De Boni.
Kiwi actor Karl Urban has upgraded his family to a $5.25 million home in Herne Bay, Auckland.
Consents for 127 retirement village units is one feature of strong building consents data for December.
More prisons will be turned into working prisons where all prisoners will be placed in a 40-hour week programme of work and rehabilitation, says John Key.
The return of students to Auckland has some in the property sector picking a rise in demand and prices for rental properties.
When Audrey Fitzjohn agreed to leave her native France to live in Hamilton with her husband Elliot, she had one proviso.
Prime Minister John Key has called Labour's KiwiBuild housing policy "dishonest".
Landlords increased weekly rents for homes of every size in all but two of Auckland's 30 suburbs, a four-year comparison shows.
Auckland rents are outstripping wages and rising faster than inflation, a four-year comparison shows.
The Government says the Green Party's shared equity housing policy would lead to more debt without solving New Zealand's housing affordability crisis.
The biggest house sale so far this year is an $8.1 million home in Takapuna, with private access to the beach.
The Green Party has ambitious plans for a shared-equity housing ownership model designed to help low-income families with dependent children into home ownership.
The most expensive home sold last year was a $9.1 million beachfront property on the North Shore which went for $1.6 million over its valuation.
Angry home buyers and investors are running out of patience over a troubled housing development that promised massive returns.
Bill English should look into a mirror next time he points the finger at Auckland Council for not doing enough to encourage affordable housing, writes Brian Rudman.