Mark Gunton: Battlelines drawn as Milford proves test case for intensification
Milford on Auckland's magnificent North Shore ticks all the right boxes for residential intensification.
Milford on Auckland's magnificent North Shore ticks all the right boxes for residential intensification.
Auckland has 2000 new sections ready to build houses on, says Mayor Len Brown, who last month claimed there was enough land for 15,000 homes.
Developers could receive ratepayer subsidies to build $1 million-plus apartments at a swanky housing development at Wynyard Quarter on the Auckland waterfront.
New Housing Minister Nick Smith is vowing to break the "stranglehold" of Auckland Council's policy of containing urban sprawl .
Affordable housing will be missing when Auckland Mayor Len Brown unveils plans today for a swanky new housing development at Wynyard Quarter on the waterfront.
To get a feel for what lies ahead in the field of bricks and mortar, Bruce Morris puts questions to three housing market experts.
Fifty million dollars worth of new homes are set to be built in Tauranga after being given council approval over summer.
Landlords are crying poor and seeking financial assistance in the face of proposals to strengthen thousands of old buildings.
An appeal by a real estate agent found guilty of breaching professional standards after he listed the wrong property for sale has been thrown out.
Home-building consents fell last month as a drop in approvals for apartments offset gains for other types of dwellings
Bill English says the greatest influence on the housing market will continue to be interest rates and supply constraints created by the planning system, writes Brian Fallow.
For the first time, the BNZ-REINZ Residential Market Survey this month sought 572 real estate agents' views about overseas buyers.
The community housing sector in Auckland, which elsewhere would be in the market for developer-supplied affordable housing, is neither strong nor vibrant, writes Brian Rudman.
A North Shore couple with a Down syndrome daughter say they are under severe stress and unable to repair leaky townhouses due to a three-year battle to get money.
We now have a tax system that favours the investor over any family wanting to own a home of their own - regardless of price, writes Alan Dudson.
Editorial: A contributor to our website today suggests an interesting way to make houses more affordable for young people seeking their first homes.
"Is National planning to confiscate private property to get houses built on it?" asks Tim Hazledine. "Labour has come out with a promise to build 100,000 new houses, which turns out to be half-baked in its lack of detail."
Kiwibank has today launched a six-month fixed home loan rate of 4.79 per cent, the bank's lowest rate in its 11-year history.
Join us at noon today for a live chat with Geoff Cooper, economist for Auckland City.
Auckland's critical housing shortage worsened again last year - but the gap between population growth and house-building may be closing at last.
Residents of Takapuna high-rise apartment block The Sentinel plan to spend $470,000 on a big outdoor podium upgrade of their tower in a project due to start on Monday.
New Zealand house values continue to soar but the booming market is no longer being propped up by property powerhouses Auckland and Christchurch.
Three weeks since ASB kicked off competition among banks for the year, Westpac has this morning announced cuts to three of its fixed mortgage rates.
Housing affordability and the difficulty of buying a new first home have led to a review of the way councils charge property developers.