Home prices push Aucklanders to Bay
Aucklanders are escaping their unaffordable housing market by moving to Tauranga to enjoy the relaxed lifestyle, an industry expert says.
Aucklanders are escaping their unaffordable housing market by moving to Tauranga to enjoy the relaxed lifestyle, an industry expert says.
Handing state homes over to community providers may benefit corporate developers, the Green Party says.
The day my son phoned from the auction to say he had a house I felt a surge of pride and relief and wanted to shout the news from the rooftops.
Auckland Mayor Len Brown and the Government have struck a deal that will enable 39,000 new houses to be built in the next three years.
A deal aimed at breaking an impasse over Auckland's housing crisis will include a requirement for developments to include affordable housing and/or options for first-time house buyers.
Auckland Council and the Government have struck a deal to fast-track plans to free up land for residential department.
The couple made a $200,000 profit - less the $30,000 spent on renovations - in under three years.
Auckland Council's draft Unitary Plan is under attack as people engage with its implications for their backyards and neighbourhoods, writes Joel Cayford. The question confronting city planners and councillors should be how to fix the plan,
A decision granting a company permission to mine beneath the eastern part of Waihi has left those on the other side of town worried they could be next, a residents group says.
Expectations of house price inflation have hit a record high in ASB's quarterly survey, while the numbers who consider it a good time to buy a house continue to fall.
A $224,000 prototype house, aimed at Aucklanders who want an affordable place, has been built at Papakura.
Fourteen apartments, starting from $1.25 million, will be built on the Ponsonby Bowling Club site in Herne Bay in Auckland.
Almost 10,000 houses are affected by an Environment Court decision on pre-1940s demolition consents, a planner says.
A Maori architecture specialist is calling for a more streamlined approach towards Maori housing.
Auckland house-hunters fed up with the city's skyrocketing prices will find their money will buy them even less on the property ladder of many major overseas cities.
Before buying their new home, an Auckland couple specifically asked their real estate agent if it had been a P lab. Five days after they moved in, it tested positive.
Asking prices for property in New Zealand reached an all-time high last month, according to new figures.
About one in six Australians cannot afford to rent a home, with young families - especially single parents with children - among the worst affected, new reports show.
Renters moving into popular central Auckland suburbs have had some relief, with rental costs levelling off or falling slightly.
The head of Auckland's main landlord group says TV2's Sunday night Renters reflects reality.
Commercial, industrial and retail properties sales last year totalled more than $1.4 billion - but deals this year could be higher, says a property market expert.
New Zealand's richest man has completed a huge new three-level banquet hall with pool and piazza area at his Auckland clifftop property.
The number of sales in Auckland suburbs typically considered less desirable are growing at a faster rate than their usually sought-after neighbours.
The owners of a house where a deck collapsed, sending about 20 people and a hot barbecue plummeting to the ground, say it was lucky no one was killed.
In the last quarter of 2012, there were 461 mortgagee sales, 11 per cent down from the previous quarter and 24 per cent less than the same quarter the year before, according to statistics released today by Terralink International.
Auckland homeowners could become about $24 billion richer under Auckland Council's proposed Unitary Plan as the value of sections will shoot up.