Latest fromResidential Property

18.6% rates rise outrage
The council has promised to cap rates rises at 10 per cent, but some confused residents have seen their bills leap by almost twice that.

Editorial: National's home plan no silver bullet
Most first-home buyers will find the Government's new plan to ease their burden less compelling than Labour's plan to build 10,000 affordable houses.

House prices down, sales up
House prices dipped last month, says the Real Estate Institute, but the number of properties changing hands was up more than 10 per cent from the month before.

Peter Lyons: Housing policy foundations built on hearsay, prejudice
House price inflation creates no new output and few jobs. It consigns young first-home buyers to a life of debt servitude, writes Peter Lyons.

Heat stays on house prices
Expectations that house prices will rise remain at very high levels last seen in 2003 at the outset of the mid-2000s boom.

Rates a shock for hard-hit Aucklanders
Aucklanders' rates bills have arrived in letterboxes and the figures have come as a shock to some homeowers who have seen rises of 10 per cent.

House dream or nightmare?
A newborn baby and now for the first home - except things are not so straightforward in Auckland's heated property market.

Williams set to sell up
Ali and Casey Williams are getting ready to sell their Westmere home before heading to France.

Home prices 7.5pc above last peak
Christchurch and Auckland property prices still increasing as regions slow over winter, figures show.

One-stop house shop under way
The Auckland Council has a team of 40 people assembled and 110 potential sites to fast-track the construction of 39,000 new homes in the city over three years.

Choice, but too expensive
Single dad Tommy Sutton has looked at about 10 rental properties in two weeks in South Auckland but all have been out of his price range.

Tenants told to leave leaky heritage flats
Housing New Zealand says its heritage Symonds St Flats in central Auckland have leaks and all 34 tenants must leave to allow repairs or refurbishment.

Women fighting to stop home bail-out
A High Court battle looms after property developers linked to a string of liquidated companies invoked a little-known clause to get out of an agreement to sell newly-builthomes.

Brian Rudman: Bullying won't bring cheap homes
It's hard to see how freeing up some land and leaving it to the market will realistically address either housing affordability or lack of supply, writes Brian Rudman.

Asking prices surge to all-time high
Asking prices for houses have skyrocketed to an all-time high in New Zealand.

Brian Rudman: Foreigner ban won't build one new home
It won't create a single new home, which is the crux of the crisis facing the country's two biggest cities, writes Brian Rudman.

Trade warning on home buying ban
Plans by the Labour Party to exclude foreign buyers from the housing market have sparked more calls for restrictions and warnings about the risk of damaging the country's relationships with its major trading partners.

Editorial: Foreigner ban just one way to ease house price inflation
Editorial: If foreign restrictions will help first-home seekers - and we should be sure of that first - they could be one of many policy levers used.

'Mum and Dad' equity for deposits
Westpac has launched a service allowing family members to help first-home buyers into properties.

PM says Labour policy 'desperate'
Prime Minister John Key says Labour's new housing policy smacks of desperation by leader David Shearer.

Labour housing policy could breach FTA
Labour's housing policy to restrict house sales to foreigners could be at odds with New Zealand's Free Trade Agreement with China.

Housing intervention opposed
A law change to allow the Government to override councils in order to free up land for housing developments was opposed by a slim majority of New Zealanders surveyed.

Labour defends foreign buyer policy
Labour leader David Shearer says he "makes no apologies" for his party's proposal to exclude all offshore buyers from the New Zealand housing market.

Liam Dann: Home-buying ban runs high risks
It's risky policy for a liberal, left-of-centre party because it leaves them open to accusations of xenophobia, writes Liam Dann.

Mixed views on fencing off investors
Ponsonby chartered accountant Hongying Qiu was in and out of 11 Farrar St in Grey Lynn within 10 minutes yesterday afternoon.

Owner's P-lab contamination nightmare
A rented house has been demolished and a layer of topsoil removed from its section because the property was so badly contaminated by a secret P lab.

Retirement dream turns to horror story
A home that was supposed to be a retirement dream has become a fast-tightening noose around its owner's neck, after he has become trapped in a rare situation where he must move - but can't sell.

OCR held at record low 2.5pc
The Reserve Bank governor has kept the official cash rate at 2.5 per cent, though he'll mull a hike if the momentum in housing spurs broader inflation.