Cashing in on the past
This five-bedroom bungalow has seen five generations through it, but you wouldn't know it.
This five-bedroom bungalow has seen five generations through it, but you wouldn't know it.
Ngaire Duncan from Chatswood on Auckland's North Shore wanted to move to a retirement village but she hates high-rises.
As property prices rise, more homeowners are staying put and renovating - and if they do it well, they should be able to double their money, experts say.
A leading property firm is setting up a team to fight for compensation over houses that have been contaminated by methamphetamine.
Expectations that house prices will rise have eased in ASB's quarterly survey of housing market sentiment, remain high by historical standards.
There's a heap of trouble when you're floating along mindlessly in a property bubble that is fast deflating, as we in Auckland city are about to find out, writes Dita De Boni.
Migrating to the outer suburbs may not be the affordable dream many Aucklanders believe, according to a new study which lays bare the true cost of commuting.
A berm in Ellerslie has been entered into a national landscaping competition as part of a vegetable, fruit and flower garden. It even has a beehive.
Atiny untouched beach shack surrounded by million-dollar mansions at an east coast beach has been snapped up by an Auckland doctor who plans to keep it just as it is.
Treaty settlements tend to disappear from public view a day after they have been announced. Not so for an imminent settlement with Auckland iwi.
City Impact Church founders Peter and Bev Mortlock are selling their Whangaparaoa mansion - and its pricetag has surprised one church member.
Auckland's 13 Maori tribes say they want to "change the face of Auckland" through infrastructure and housing developments.
A $120 million housing project at Weymouth is being touted as a "pathfinder" for what could be New Zealand's first large-scale affordable new housing project in 30 years.
Auckland's economic prospects look the best in seven years, based on labour, housing construction and manufacturing activity.
Renters are paying up to $70 more a week than they were four years ago in some of Auckland's city fringe suburbs.
'There's not a rental shortage, there's a lack of etiquette." Landlords have had enough of the 'feral' behaviour of prospective tenants they're refusing to rent.
National house prices hit a new high of $427,000 last month but new mortgage restrictions and a Christmas slowdown was blamed.
The number of houses sold in NZ fell in December, continuing a trend of a slowing housing market - although the national median sale price rose slightly.
Rusty taps, creepy dolls on beds, dishes on the bench, dirty washing in the laundry and even cat bowls with cat food scattered around them.
Banks are still finalising how they will deal with the Reserve Bank's exemption for home-building loans.
Painstakingly and passionately recreated to pay a grand homage to its original 1940s state this Epsom house is a mix of classical tradition and modern living.
Auckland residential property values have rocketed by up to 18.6 per cent annually as Waitakere, part of South Auckland and the North Shore lead the charge.
An Auckland man and his family have made nearly $700,000 in profit in four years on a do-up in Mt Eden without making any major renovations.
Rising home loan approvals are another sign that the Australian housing recovery is in full swing, making another cash rate cut unlikely.
Apartments could be the answer for financially strapped Aucklanders trying to get into the property market as the number of apartment building projects soars.
Like a spaceship taking off after a quick visit, Raglan's Futuro house is off to a new destination.