Construction boom revs up
The country's busiest house builder expects to put up a third more homes this year and could build more than 1000.
The country's busiest house builder expects to put up a third more homes this year and could build more than 1000.
Mortgage loan restrictions are making the "bank of Mum and Dad" so popular that one bank is running seminars on the best way for people to structure the deals.
The damage inflicted on US households by the collapse of the housing market and recession wasn't evenly distributed.
Property values increased at the slowest annual pace in six months in March as high-debt lending restrictions and interest rate hikes weighed on the market.
The bubble word is increasingly being used to describe residential property markets in many countries, writes Brian Gaynor.
City planners are eyeing almost 16,000 new homes across Greater Auckland - the equivalent of a town the size of Cambridge - to attack the city's housing shortage.
Auckland residential property sales rebounded strongly in March after a soft February, according to the city's largest realtor.
A luxury waterfront Herne Bay home has sold for $800,000 less than its dated valuation.
A "financial coaching" company which can avoid new mortgage-lending limits placed on banks is offering 100 per cent finance to families wanting to buy their first home.
A spokesman for the jailed South Korean developer says "personal" issues should not hinder or harm any of the business interests left behind here.
New Zealand is on a list of the top 10 most searched for countries by Chinese house-hunters, figures compiled from China's largest property search engine reveal.
A Parnell group is upset about approval for a big new apartment building, saying office workers' cars already clog their street.
The Cornwall Park Trust board, which owns a slew of Greenlane and One Tree Hill properties, wants to freeze the assets of a woman it is suing after she abandoned her house.
A couple who paid $913,000 for a leaky Meadowbank house fought for four years to get it reclad after an earlier repair continued to let water into the home.
Average Auckland apartment sale prices rose more than a third in the past two years yet rents were static. But that could be about to change.
More mortgage holders are opting to split their home loans into fixed and floating rate portions after the recent cash rate increase, say banks.
Tough new mortgage lending rules have seen house prices dip in suburbs that usually appeal to first-time buyers.
Without hard data, a debate about policy can slide off into dangerous places that lead to bad decisions. We're at that point with foreign ownership of homes, writes Bernard Hickey.
A Housing New Zealand apartment complex has opened in Auckland and already received praise from its mostly elderly residents.
Auckland landlords are making more capital gains off their rental properties than those elsewhere, a trend predicted to speed up in the next few years.
Would-be homeowners in Auckland can be optimistic after new figures show the number of consents for new houses, sections and apartments in Auckland are on track.
One of New Zealand's most expensive homes is at the centre of a million dollar dispute over a construction botch-up.
There's nothing romantic or magical these days about buying your first home. In fact, it's difficult not to come away from the process feeling bloodied, cynical, bitter and poorer.
New Zealand's inbound migration rose to a 10-year high last month, as China overtook the UK to become the biggest source of net migrants for the first time in a decade.
A dated kitchen and bathroom, small living areas and a total floor space of just 94sq m - this is what $1.4 million-plus will get you in Ponsonby.
Editorial: It can be easy to jump to assumptions about statistics, especially if they appear to support a particular agenda.
We're increasingly becoming a nation of renters with less than half of us now owning our own place, Census data shows.
The number of homeowners in New Zealand continues to fall, with fewer than half of all Kiwis owning their own property, new Census figures show.
Auckland Council has told activist Penny Bright to pay $29,000 owed in rates within 10 days or risk losing her Kingsland home.