New Akld housing areas to be named
Auckland mayor Len Brown has just announced a 'significant' number of new approvals of special housing areas will be revealed today.
Auckland mayor Len Brown has just announced a 'significant' number of new approvals of special housing areas will be revealed today.
The three-bedroom bungalow with an asking price of nearly $900,000 in Sandringham is "a compelling call to first-home buyers", the agent says.
The average Auckland house sale price and volumes achieved by the city's biggest real estate agency dropped from $725,708 in March to $708,603 last month.
First-home buyers in Auckland pay almost $200 more a week in mortgage repayments than those starting on the property ladder nationally.
The Government and its political allies have gone on the attack over Labour’s ground-breaking interest rates and savings policy, after signs the plan was getting traction.
A rising supply of "flexi-room" apartments has drawn a warning from authorities - people who use the undersized areas as bedrooms could be fined.
Russell Coutts' supreme nautical skills were again on display this week when he shipped a homestead by barge off his sprawling seaside section.
Local hapu Ngati Whatua Orakei now says it isn't selling a prime piece of Auckland waterfront land to retirement village operator Ryman - it's only leasing it.
A company developing one of New Zealand's biggest, most intensive affordable housing estates has been put in receivership.
Kiwibank has increased its interest rates just as the Labour party gears up to reveal its proposed changes to monetary policy this morning.
Auckland house values have risen up to 51.9 per cent in the past three years, which will impact on rates bills next year.
Homeowners are rushing to fix their mortgage interest rates after the second cash rate increase in as many months.
The Reserve Bank has increased the Official Cash Rate by 25 basis points to 3 per cent this morning.
Interest rates could peak at a level which would see first-home buyers in Auckland spending two-thirds of household income paying the mortgage.
Community and iwi groups have asked the Govt to sell them up to a fifth of the country's 69,000 state houses at a discount of up to about half of market values.
The proportion of house sales to first-home buyers has gone down in 90 Auckland suburbs since the Reserve Bank's mortgage lending limits came in.
A real estate agency boss has backed a call this week by finance minister Bill English to relax rules designed to stamp out so-called "shoebox apartments".
The Cornwall Park Trust board is applying once again to extend freezing orders over assets of a woman it is suing after she abandoned her house.
A now-bankrupt property developer who was jailed for duping a family into buying properties from his company should instead serve home detention, his lawyer says.
The Cornwall Park Trust Board has proposed a new "modern lease" to resolve long-running dissatisfaction from Greenlane and One Tree Hill residents.
One of the world's biggest and oldest insurers is underwriting a new building warranty insurance scheme being launched in New Zealand.
PM John Key yesterday accepted there may be merit in gathering more data on foreign ownership of NZ housing as Opposition criticism mounts.
A leader of Auckland's disabled community believes she may be in the first batch of 800 state house tenants being targeted for possible eviction.
Producers of The Block NZ may have chosen the wrong street for the next series as residents continue fighting the hit DIY show.
House prices around the country have hit a new high with the median price now topping $440,000 but sales are down 10% on last year. (+infographic)
The hidden cost and hassle of going flatting has boosted business for a chain of new-style boarding houses on former suburban office sites.
First-home buyers may be squeezed out but property prices in Auckland remain high as one agency reports record average sale prices.
The number of first-home buyers in the market has declined since mortgage-lending restrictions came in. So where are the worst-hit centres? Use our infographic.
Editorial: Stonefields, a village-style residential development in what was the Mt Wellington quarry, has branded itself with environmental "sustainability".