Giant landlord gets a tick from investors
Institutional investors are praising the annual result of Kiwi Income Property Trust, saying it reflects the management shakeup which saw the exit of Commonwealth Bank of Australia.
Institutional investors are praising the annual result of Kiwi Income Property Trust, saying it reflects the management shakeup which saw the exit of Commonwealth Bank of Australia.
A sorry list of deterioration to a $2 million-plus Auckland mansion at the heart of litigation against a lessee was read out in the High Court this morning.
A handful of Auckland pensioners have stopped developers in their tracks.
Labour and Greens have pulled their support for a law change which cracks down on migrant exploitation.
Leasehold land prices around Auckland's Cornwall Park go up about ten-fold when prices are reset every 21 years, the High Court at Auckland was told yesterday.
The housing crisis in London is seeing home prices spiral to records and prompting a developer to build discounted homes for those shut out of the boom.
Ground rent of $173k is being sought from Yong Xin Chen in a case being brought by the Cornwall Park Trust Board.
Aspiring first-home buyers looking for a leg-up into the property market in yesterday's Budget had little to cheer about.
Graeme Wheeler delivered a trenchant defence of the bank's curbs on high loan-to-value ratio home loans yesterday when challenged by National MP Jami-Lee Ross that the regime had been "almost too effective".
New Zealand is the fifth most popular place Chinese buyers look to purchase residential property, says a Chinese website.
The Reserve Bank is indicating the removal of restrictions on high loan-to-value home loans may be gradual rather than a now-you-see-it, now-you-don't affair.
The Reserve Bank's restrictions on low deposit mortgage lending took more borrowing out of the system than expected.
The Housing Minister has revealed that Government held data on the proportion of NZ homes owned by offshore buyers, which he says is very low compared to other countries.
A home in New York's Hamptons on Further Lane is up for auction in what will be one of the area's biggest foreclosure sales.
Expectations that house prices have further to rise remain high in ASB's quarterly survey of housing market sentiment.
April house sales figures show mortgage lending restrictions are hitting the bottom end of the property market the hardest as the number of house sales under $400,000 fell sharply in the past year.
Another legal expert has raised concerns about the ownership of solar panels fixed to homes, backing this month's warning from Auckland District Law Society vice-president Joanna Pidgeon.
The number of house sales fell 20 per cent last month, with sales declining across all regions, but prices continue to rise, latest figures show.
If the hike in your rates bill seems less of a leap this year, enjoy it while you can.
The strength of the surge in net immigration will influence both the outlook for interest rates and how long loan-to-value ratio curbs remain in place, says Reserve Bank Deputy Governor Grant Spencer.
The Reserve Bank's curbs on bank lending to low deposit borrowers could be removed by the end of the year.
A Waiheke Island property owner has gone to the High Court over access to land owned by a trust linked to former Hanover Finance director Mark Hotchin.
The US trophy-home market is shattering price records this year as an increasing number of properties change hands for more than $100 million.
First home buyer numbers had picked up nationally in March according to new figures from QV out today. So what happened where you live? Check our infographic.
The announcement of 41 new "special housing areas" across Auckland will allow 18,000 new homes to be fast-tracked.
A third tranche of "Special Housing Areas" will create 18,000 new residences across Auckland. Click here for details and maps of the new areas, announced today.