English flags 'challenge' to surplus
Finance Minister Bill English has warned that returning to surplus this year will be a challenge due to falling dairy prices and low inflation.
Finance Minister Bill English has warned that returning to surplus this year will be a challenge due to falling dairy prices and low inflation.
Low-income ratepayers in Auckland got more than $10 million of state aid to help pay last year's rates bills.
A chunk of land in big enough for 30 to 60 homes, and in one of Auckland's most affluent suburbs, is on the market.
The number of state houses has dropped by 1600 in the past three years as grand plans for more state homes in Auckland appear to have been hit by rising land values.
For sale: 287 homes, most in spitting distance of Sydney's Opera House. Wanted: Somewhere to shift a low-income, angry community.
As a long term landlord Andrew Bruce seeks long term tenancies because he takes a long term view of his investment properties.
Home buyers heeding the Prime Minister’s advice to consider an apartment can qualify to use KiwiSaver funds.
A 14-unit Ponsonby apartment development is planned for a pocket 430sqm site in a street once the domain of character villas.
A wrangle over wardrobes at a Remuera home that sold for $3.65 million has led a conduct tribunal to order to two top Auckland real estate agents to pay $10,000 to replace them.
Auckland house prices have hit a new high and national sales volumes rose 11.8 per cent last month in a big spring resurgence.
The Reserve Bank is eyeing measures to discourage speculators from buying multiple houses as it acknowledges its loan-to-value ratio (LVR) restrictions have favoured investors.
Two of the Takapuna homes featured on the first season of TV3's The Block have increased in value by more than 50 per cent, according to official figures out this week.
A man accused of involvement in a $47 million mortgage fraud eight years ago has finally been charged.
First-home buyers took out only 10 per cent by value of mortgages given by New Zealand banks in September.
Homeowners feeling flush after learning their newly-released property values are borrowing more from banks to splurge on new cars, boats and home renovations.
Heavy demand by homeowners desperate to access details about newly released property revaluations has now brought down the Quotable Value website.
A 157 per cent Auckland Council rates rise and a 140 per cent operating costs increase have been blamed for the axing of guaranteed rental returns on a city apartment block.
Auckland residents eager to find out the new value of their home have been disappointed this morning after the Council's website crashed.
Auckland property owners will today find out the new value of their homes when the Auckland Council releases individual capital valuations online.
Labour's leadership contest has turned into a showdown on the party's capital gains tax policy, with Andrew Little and David Parker at loggerheads over its future.
The public will get the chance to look into how the other half - or maybe the other 1 per cent - lives, with a tour through the homes of Auckland's elite in some of the city's swankiest suburbs on November 22.
House values throughout New Zealand rose 1.1pc in the past three months, the slowest rise in two years, according to QV data out.
Auckland land prices have surged, spurring owners to almost double the size of their houses in the past four decades.
New Zealand property prices have reached a new record high according to Trade Me Property.
New Zealand's roaring property market is a tale of two cities - Auckland and Christchurch - while the rest of the country mostly lags well behind.
Eighty Special Housing Areas, due to contain about 40,000 sites or residences, have been approved throughout the Auckland region.