Dr Susan Flint-Hartle: Homeownership dreams need to get with the times
NZ has changed dramatically in the last 20 years and so must our approach to property as an asset, writes Dr Susan Flint-Hartle.
NZ has changed dramatically in the last 20 years and so must our approach to property as an asset, writes Dr Susan Flint-Hartle.
Pre-sales of the first of 500 to 600 new Wynyard Quarter apartments start in February and the first show-home is being built.
An Auckland real estate agent is taking a leap of faith in the hot property market - by auctioning his own property for a $1 reserve.
Middle-aged home buyers face being locked out of the property market because banks are worried they are too old to pay off their mortgage before they retire.
Buying a house for next to nothing by today's standards in the 1970s has worked out well for John Robertson.
As a wave of pro-intensification development sweeps Auckland more residents will find themselves battling to preserve the character of their neighbourhoods.
Auckland properties sold by the city's biggest agency, Barfoot & Thompson, have hit a new all-time price high of $756,909, up $20,671 in just 30 days.
A reader writes: I intend to settle a cash sum on each of my grandchildren on my demise. What fish hooks exist if I place a lump sum in a KiwiSaver account for each?
A few weeks ago Auckland Council voted by a narrow majority to impose grotesquely large rate increases on thousands of Auckland's ratepayers.
How to heat a castle? That was the challenge for Christchurch engineer Alan Cooke when he got the job at Riverstone Castle being built by Dot Smith outside Oamaru.
Hundreds of new homes will be developed on Housing Corporation land in some Auckland suburbs, including Avondale, New Lynn and South Auckland.
Alexandra Park's chief executive Dominique Dowding said apartments would be for sale from February and she predicted occupation of the Green Lane West Rd places by the end of 2016.
A 7.8ha coastal section owned by descendants of one of the original settler families of Mangawhai is on the market for the first time in 125 years.
Expectation is a powerful thing. It's the reason 45,000 sections in Auckland are sitting there ready to go, with all the connections to water, power and roads - but no houses.
Real estate industry experts have labelled the latest residential property revaluations dangerous, with calls for the mass appraisal system to be overhauled or scrapped.
Landlords with properties in Otara, Mangere, Glen Innes and Mangere Bridge are reaping Auckland's highest returns.
LoanMarket mortgage adviser Bruce Patten talks to NZ Property Editor Anne Gibson about the property market and Aucklanders increasingly borrowing for home renovations.
The average household's spending on housing climbed 11.1 per cent over the past two years, outstripping growth in incomes.
New residential mortgage lending hit $4.9 billion last month, its highest level since last March and a 7.2 per cent increase on October last year, according to the Reserve Bank.
A plan aimed at tackling Auckland's housing supply shortage has surpassed expectations in its first year, the Government and Auckland Mayor Len Brown say.
The days of children screaming in delight as they whiz along a flying fox might be numbered at one Auckland housing development.
Home buyers seeking low-deposit mortgages could find it even tougher to secure funds after Kiwibank said it was suspending new loans.
A humble road in central Kawerau has been revealed as a bargain hunter's dream, laying claim to the cheapest stretch of residential real estate anywhere in New Zealand.
Nestled in an exclusive Herne Bay cul-de-sac are 12 luxury homes which can collectively lay claim to New Zealand's most expensive street.
Finance Minister Bill English has warned that returning to surplus this year will be a challenge due to falling dairy prices and low inflation.
Low-income ratepayers in Auckland got more than $10 million of state aid to help pay last year's rates bills.