Property report: Spotlight on Pt Chevalier - Stepping into the top ranks
Once in the shadow of its more fashionable neighbours, Pt Chevalier is coming into its own, writes Graham Hepburn.
Once in the shadow of its more fashionable neighbours, Pt Chevalier is coming into its own, writes Graham Hepburn.
Too many drivers are keeping the Auckland property market hot, and experts see little or no change, as David Maida discovers.
House-price explosion can't be blamed on foreign-based Asian buyers, experts tell Diana Clement.
Some first-home buyers are still managing to get footholds in the Auckland property market despite tough conditions.
Buying a leasehold property can be a cheap way of getting into a desirable suburb, writes David Maida.
Auckland's property market has never been so exciting to watch, says Steve Hart.
Sixty is the new 50 even when it comes to mortgages.
Those who have been priced out of the Ponsonby/Grey Lynn market are turning to Orakei as a more affordable location.
Housing Minister Nick Smith is to oversee the building of hundreds of new homes, writes David Maida.
Experts from the industry have their say about the property market.
Formal checklist may limit rental property availability. David Maida finds out more.
Auckland prices have been rising faster than elsewhere in the country, due to recent action by the Reserve Bank and the Govt.
With annual price growth at 13.9 per cent, it is no surprise Auckland is increasingly dominant in lifting the country's overall growth rate, writes Geoff Barnett.
May property sales in the Auckland market were up 14.5pc from the month before, says Barfoot and Thompson.
Given how large the imbalances in the Auckland housing market are, house price growth is likely to persist in the near term.
Aucklanders are increasingly interested in buying properties outside of the city - in places like Hawkes Bay, where you can get "more bang for your buck".
House prices in Sydney rose 15 per cent in May from a year earlier, prompting a warning of a price bubble in Australia's biggest city.
Building and Housing Minister Nick Smith has embarked on a "magical bus tour" to showcase the Government's plans to free up land for desperately needed housing.
Building consents fell in April, after the previous month's strong gain, as intentions to build houses decreased.
Former SFO boss Adam Feeley is facing an Auditor-General probe into how his family's land has been managed.
Now I'm totally confused. John Key has nominated Auckland for the Lee Kuan Yew World City prize, named in honour of the leader who nanny-stated Singapore.
More than $100m worth of surplus city-owned land has already been sold and the council says another $250m worth has been cleared for sale.
The agent says the price demonstrates the fierce competition among investors and developers for properties with subdividable sections.
Labour is keen to paint Housing Minister Nick Smith as ever more desperate to find answers to Auckland's housing crisis, writes John Armstrong
A team of Slovakian architects have designed a portable pod house designed to run off the grid.
Reserve Bank will disappoint financial markets and leave the official cash rate on hold for another two years, says NZIER.
Real estate agent Cherry Killgour has been handling mortgagee sales for years and knows all too well the damaging effect losing a home can have on families.
Banks foreclosed on more than 700 properties in the last year when financially strapped homeowners could no longer afford repayments.