Five reasons Auckland's property market has changed
Evidence of a cooling in the Auckland property market is growing - but there's plenty of reasons to think there may be life left in the boom yet.
Evidence of a cooling in the Auckland property market is growing - but there's plenty of reasons to think there may be life left in the boom yet.
Auction clearance rates have dropped and attendance rates are down as soaring prices flatten out.
That's the minimum Aucklanders can expect to pay in rent, regardless of property type or size, according to Trade Me.
The liquidators of an Auckland building company that collapsed owing more than $4 million believe its director is somewhere in Europe.
Summerset Group has been granted resource consent for a $100 million village in the Christchurch suburb of Casebrook.
The first round of homes in a new West Auckland housing project are up for grabs.
The real estate agent sacked after the Labour Party was leaked confidential sales data on Asian buyers is back in the Auckland property market.
Teachers and police priced out of owning their own home in Auckland's red-hot property market are calling for extra pay to bridge the growing financial gap.
Russian aluminium oligarch Alexandre Germanovich is undertaking a top-to-bottom renovation of a historic North Shore home - and the project is being chronicled in two documentaries.
Barfoot & Thompson says high number of applications is unusual for this time of the year.
For many Kiwis, paying off a mortgage is a marathon effort - but on November 1, 10 lucky Auckland Marathon runners will have the chance to run down their rate
State and council civil servants need to remember their budgets come from the pockets of everyday New Zealanders, writes Kerre McIvor.
A small section in the once-sleepy town of Riverhead has sold for close to $400,000 - five times over its CV.
You can make a standard KiwiSaver first-home withdrawal without the additional top-up from the HomeStart grant. Helen Twose talks about the rules.
The words "double Grammar zone" plastered across a real estate billboard is enough to make any red-blooded agent salivate, writes Bernard Hickey.
State-owned bank now offering six-month rates of 5.19 per cent - and 4.59 per cent for a two-year term.
Bidding war for two-bedroom brick and tile Auckland bungalow pushes selling price to shocking $1.8 million.
Wheeler cited rising consent numbers as a bright spot in the Auckland housing sector when he gave his post-OCR briefing.
The mortgage rate war is heating up ahead of a widely tipped rates cut on Thursday, with ASB now matching the 4.35pc rate BNZ unveiled last week.
Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has snapped up an eight-bedroom 17th-century Grade II-listed home in north London.
BNZ reduces one-year fixed rate to 4.35 per cent ahead of Reserve Bank's expected announcement that OCR will be cut.
The Knight Frank Global House Price Index released today ranked NZ only behind Hong Kong, Turkey, Estonia and Luxembourg for annual house price rises.
London's housing crisis has led to one landlord getting creative.
Barfoot & Thompson blames fall in Auckland market on winter weather, the Reserve Bank and international economic instability.
Behaviour by Auckland's housing speculators indicates the property market could be about to reach peak point.
A 488ha South Waikato rural property sold at auction last week for $5.25 million, says PGG Wrightson Real Estate.
The Taupo firm will pay a 5c-a-share final dividend on November 6, the first dividend since April 1998.
The IRD IS proposing a withholding tax of 33 percent of a vendor's gain on a sale, or 10 percent of the total purchase price.
Martin Hutchin sold investment properties in Invercargill and Huntly and was described as a "risk to the community".