Leaky home owners apply to court for class action
More than 500 owners of leaky homes have come forward to explore whether they can be part of a claim against James Hardie.
More than 500 owners of leaky homes have come forward to explore whether they can be part of a claim against James Hardie.
Mortgagee sales fall from 961 to 589 nationally with stronger economic conditions.
Property is being marketed as possibly the "finest private residence" in the country.
Another bid to introduce a WOF-style set of standards for warmth and dryness for rental properties could be blocked by Speaker David Carter in a highly unusual move.
"We could be in Spain," the auctioneer announces, referring to a "contemporary" two-bedroom Remuera apartment about to go under the hammer.
More than half of Auckland residential properties at three big auctions failed to sell on the day meaning sellers are being advised to be "realistic" on pricing.
Social service agencies are setting up an "ethical" property management company for landlords with a conscience.
William Carter said most house-builders would take three months or more to complete the same work but ABT, which is partly Chinese-owned, has designed special techniques and technology to enable the fast process.
A conference of property investors in Auckland this weekend is liable to hear some tough talking about rental houses.
Home-owners allegedly tried to back out of selling their Auckland house.
Will the TPP prevent the Government from banning sales of houses or land to foreigners?
One of Remuera's most glamorous homes has sold for $4 million above its capital value determined just last year.
Property chosen by diplomat has four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a heated pool and its own waterfall, and was bought with taxpayer money.
Vendor at centre of auction u-turn lawsuit claims agent misled her over price property would fetch.
A woman who is being sued after she backed out of the sale of her house has told a court she believes her real estate agent "conspired" with the eventual purchasers.
Auckland property market rebounds, with average prices jumping from $821,079 in August to $836,275 last month.
Paul Novak left home at 17 but returned to the family fold four years later to save money while studying and provide company for his immigrant parents.
Plans to safeguard Auckland's heritage housing stock as the city gears up for high-density growth have been scattered.
Pakuranga Plaza will become a new "urban village", with a hotel, community facilities, apartments, offices and more shops in a $500 million upgrade.
Auckland Council has racked up more than $100,000 on lawyers in an ongoing battle with activist Penny Bright over $33,372 in unpaid rates and penalties.
Residential building consents fell 4.9pc in August as the Canterbury rebuild shifts its focus toward commercial work.
Chinese real estate site says interest has switched from high-end properties to Auckland houses at lower end of the market.
Auckland activist is withholding this year's rates increase, saying she is opposed to public subsidy of public transport system.
Falling interest rates and static prices is making Auckland housing more affordable, say Massey University lecturers.
He attends property auctions daily to scout for good buys but denies his activities are locking young first-time buyers out of the market.
Financial instability in China may be leading to fewer Chinese at auctions says one real estate boss.
Now is the time for Auckland's first- home buyers to pounce, with interest rates at a record low and entry-level prices dropping, a report says.
Auckland has grown by around 100,000 people since amalgamation in 2010, writes Auckland's Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse.That's the population of Lower Hutt.
My town actually went backwards in the last QV figures, with one real estate company listing a solid three-bedroom home for $45,000, writes Mark Ebrey.