Winners overjoyed after housing ballot
Twenty-five lucky people walked away from a housing ballot today happy with the outcome - and it will be even sweeter if the All Blacks win tomorrow.
Twenty-five lucky people walked away from a housing ballot today happy with the outcome - and it will be even sweeter if the All Blacks win tomorrow.
A new art gallery out west and a Ponsonby block of shops were some of the Auckland buildings judged last night as being New Zealand's best.
Mould samples collected in South Auckland homes have been found to contain health-threatening yeasts as well as antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Mary Holm answers questions on inheritance, investments, Kiwisaver and property.
From November 1, people borrowing to buy a residential investment property in Auckland will need at least a 30 per cent deposit, the Reserve Bank has decreed.
Greg Hall talks to chief executive John Dalzell about how the new Panuku Development Auckland organisation will move forward.
Mr Patterson said he could have managed the purchase even if loan-to-income limits were in place.
But expert warns strategy to cool Auckland's heated property market would make it harder for first-time buyers.
The four-bedroom villa was bought by the current owner's parents in 1958 and Barfoot & Thompson real estate agent Jim Murray said it was in the zones for Auckland Grammar, Epsom Girls Grammar and Auckland Normal Intermediate.
The Productivity Commission report this week into land use for housing used a surprising word to describe what was needed to solve Auckland's housing crisis: credibility.
Controversial broadcaster Paul Henry has a new pad in the country and the purchase comes with a little bit of advice.
Bargain or ball and chain? This three-bedroom Auckland house may be the country's cheapest.
A landmark Herne Bay home has sold for $24 million - the most expensive house sale of the year, and all without an official real estate listing.
To what extent would you attribute the rise of house prices in Auckland over the past 10 years to the greed of vendors and real estate salespeople?
Receivers have taken charge of a $2 million Mairangi Bay house allegedly bought with stolen funds and will rent out the property.
Police are examining the involvement of a businessman who is under investigation for alleged money laundering in a $50 million Albany housing project
Finance Minister Bill English the longer the Auckland housing market continues to rise the more of a risk it becomes to NZ's economy.
An Australian community housing organisation says it is capable of looking after New Zealand's state house tenants just as well as any local provider.
The government should be allowed to force local authorities to release land for urban development, says the latest work from the Productivity Commission.
Real estate agent on how to make a successful sale in the Asian property market.
A waterfront farm block on the shores of the country's first marine reserve is for sale for the first time in 155 years.
Ron Goodwin - who advised fellow landlords not "to be too kind" to tenants says he has been praised for his views.
Millennials have tough new competition for apartments and flats heating up the nation's housing market: Mum and Dad.
The escalating prices in Auckland let no chance of purchasing.
Ghosts, squatters and telly ads - it's the end of a colourful era for an odd Herne Bay mansion with a past as impressive as its waterfront view.
October 2015 may just be remembered as the month when the great Australian housing boom came to an end.
Risks in the housing market remain high despite a crackdown on lending standards which has made the banking system safer, the Reserve Bank of Australia says.
As Auckland has grown, many sections we live on have shrunk, sliced up to host many more homes than originally intended.
Intensification is the preferred way of urban planners, housing the additional 750,000 to 1 million people.