Auckland's new zoning maps released
Auckland residents and ratepayers can now see if their suburbs are destined for new multi-storey developments.
Auckland residents and ratepayers can now see if their suburbs are destined for new multi-storey developments.
A combination of over-regulation and over-taxation is a sure way to destroy a stressed business, writes Stephen Scrivens.It is inconceivable that any politician will willingly reduce taxes but the Government could cut red tape
The next stage of the troubled Springpark housing development has hit the rocks, with soaring building prices blamed.
Auckland Council is understood to be releasing maps tomorrow showing large swathes of suburban Auckland being rezoned for multiple townhouses and apartments.
Interest rates might be sinking but council rates are rising and that could drive rents up.
Auckland's Springpark housing project in chaos, with receivers to refund 142 depositors who paid $7.3 million up front for a new home.
Housing's perfect storm as cost of renting a typical home in Auckland hits new high.
In a raging property market, it's possible to have a million-dollar home and no cash, writes Joanna Mathers.
We don't often think about the struggle it must continue to be for those who have managed to afford a house.
Homeowners are being urged to fix their mortgages now to make the most of record-low interest rates - which experts say are at rock bottom.
Vintage-lovers in the market for older buildings should know that strengthening requirements could mean big expenses ahead, writes Sandra Goodwin.
Home builders may soon be able to sign off on their own work without a council inspection if Local Government Minister Paula Bennett gets her way.
New motorways are key in facilitating Auckland's lateral growth by allowing access to the boundaries of urban areas.
Traditional villas share street fronts with sleek new apartment developments in busy township known for high-class shopping, writes Graham Hepburn.
A great central location, character homes, established streets and good school zones, Sandringham is a suburb that is really coming into its own, discovers Graham Hepburn
It's been a rollercoaster year for real estate with the market going into a frenzy of higher and higher prices driven by cashed-up foreign buyers.
Latest figures reveal Auckland values might have stalled as online site reports Asian interest has eased off.
Auckland is on the verge of becoming a $1 million city - and its fast leaving the rest of New Zealand behind.
A third of Auckland suburbs now have an average house price of more than $1 million, with one cracking the $2 million mark and another two on the verge.
A group of 109 people - mainly Singaporean and Malaysian - are taking legal action over a failed Queenstown property scheme they bought into last decade.
A queue of 20 people waited outside for 24 hours to claim a section in new Napier subdivision.
This summer is expected to bring a boost in the numbers buying into luxurious "lifestyle" properties along the country's northeastern coastline.
The Government has agreed to fund an extra 508 social housing units in Auckland in a surprise boost to previously announced policies.
This week's Salvation Army report into housing baby-boomers in retirement exposed the deepest fault-line in NZ society and its economy - home ownership.
Auckland developer Tony Gapes has expressed sympathy for 140 home buyers who are victims of financial problems at his Springpark housing project.
A couple convicted of fleecing almost $1 million from the taxpayer between them by not paying GST are still living a life of luxury.
Plans to build more than 150 homes at one of Auckland's largest new housing estates are up in the air now the firm behind Springpark in Mt Wellington has gone into receivership.
Retirement giant Ryman Healthcare has released the first image of a $100 million North Shore village on a site where hundreds of people will live.
Auckland's property market showed signs of slowing last month, with a 7.7 per cent fall in sales and new listings dropping by a similar amount.