Empty state houses 'unfit'
Only a handful of Porirua's 134 vacant state houses are fit for Aucklanders to live in as proposed by the Government, says the city's mayor.
Only a handful of Porirua's 134 vacant state houses are fit for Aucklanders to live in as proposed by the Government, says the city's mayor.
Aucklanders languishing on the state house waiting list are likely to be offered financial incentives to move to regions that have a surplus of homes.
As Auckland's property market shows signs of slowing several regions in New Zealand have hit record highs.
Latest property sales stats show Auckland property prices largely unchanged in December, while sales volumes fall.
Roger MacDonald, the new chief executive of Auckland Council's Panuku Development Auckland, gives his take on the year ahead.
It has been suggested that landlords are responsible for rental property overcrowding and even hot-bedding, but this is unlikely to be the case, writes Andrew King.
A modest two-bedroomed house in Southland can lay claim to being the cheapest property sale of 2015.
New Zealand's property market settled in December, ending a booming year of property sales on a quiet note.
South Auckland suburbs recorded the city's biggest property value gains last year as buyers priced out of more affluent suburbs scrambled to secure homes.
Auckland first home buyer Ollie Wall wasn't worried last winter when he borrowed $520,000 to pay $680,000 for a Freemans Park apartment.
The latest QV stats revealed that Auckland's house value increases slowed to almost snail's pace last month.
Quotable Value figures out tomorrow are expected to show a cooling in prices in December.
New Zealand has slipped in popularity for among Chinese buyers since the government and Reserve Bank introduced buyer restrictions.
Auckland housing affordability has improved slightly - but the city is now 59 per cent less affordable than the rest of New Zealand.
Renting has become more common while the number of dwellings that are owner-occupied is decreasing.
You have returned to work after the summer holidays and yearn to be back at that bach you rented for one short, glorious week. Why not buy one?
Sydney home prices fell for the second- consecutive month and recorded the worst quarter in four years.
The four sought-after suburbs have robust transport links, well-planned infrastructure and attractive entertainment hubs.
House prices in and around Queenstown are soaring, narrowing the price gap between Central Otago and Auckland.
Auckland property developer and evangelist Bill Subritzky has died aged 90.
Weekly home loan approvals hit a record for the second time this month, adding weight to speculation about an end-of-year borrowing splurge.
The country's 10 priciest house sales have a collective worth of more than $100 million and feature extravagant trappings reserved for the super rich.
As Santa heads to Auckland soon, here's wishing he stops off in Sweden and picks up 40,000 "affordable" Boklok homes from Ikea, writes Brian Rudman.
The value of home loan approvals hits new record.
New figures reveal what's hot and what's not in Auckland.
Two hundred new residences are planned for Hobsonville Point, half of which will be priced under Auckland's median house price.
Thousands of house sellers should be refunded money paid to advertise properties if a Commerce Commission case succeeds, Labour says.