Mad Butcher CEO trades elite address
The Mad Butcher chief executive Michael Morton has swapped one exclusive Auckland address for another.
The Mad Butcher chief executive Michael Morton has swapped one exclusive Auckland address for another.
Auckland house prices are now so expensive that most young first-home buyers cannot afford to buy without help from rich parents, says an expert.
Westpac economist says a resurgent property market means new lending restrictions are likely.
Homeowner who just discovered his Remuera neighbours' plan to demolish their side of duplex they share looks to re-build his own home.
Young people in their early twenties are now the most likely age group to be living in overcrowded conditions.
Muhannad Alwahb fears his house could be irreparably damaged after neighbours were granted consent to demolish their side of their duplex.
A $23 million annual increase in development contributions collected by councils means the Government's reforms have failed, an opposition MP claims.
Another day, another grim finding for Australians trying to get on the property ladder.
Real estate chief says fears about Auckland property market unfounded as prices rocket 14 per cent.
Entry-level property advertised for $755,000 - 68 per cent higher than the country's median house price.
Hundreds of new homes could be developed on an 11.9ha piece of land in Auckland being sold by a university.
A family who rented a methamphetamine-contaminated Tuakau property have won $7525 from their landlord.
A prime piece of Herne Bay land is on the market for the third time in as many years, but still without the luxury apartments each owner had planned.
Chinese investment in Australian real estate doubled last year, but interest in New Zealand has dropped.
The first person to have her home forcibly sold by Auckland Council because of unpaid rates has been ordered to pay an additional $44,000.
PHOTOS: The new owners plan to completely renovate the derelict four bedroom villa in Freemans Bay, Auckland.
A property surrounded by state houses in what the real estate agent describes as the North Shore's "toughest neighbourhood" is up for sale.
EXPLORE: See maps of Auckland's Special Housing Areas where new houses will be fast-tracked.
Urgent remedial work is underway in an Auckland housing project due to fears the houses are unsafe.
New figures show median price close to breaking $800,000 while houses remain least affordable in Auckland.
The Queenstown home of missing pilot John Beckenridge has gone on the market.
Key Auckland and national house sale data is about to emerge.
Airbnb's fastest-growing and most-beloved demographic are those aged 60 and older.
The median price of new Auckland homes is $800,000, meaning less than 20 per cent would enable first-home buyers to qualify for KiwiSaver subsidies, according to new figures.
A colonial-style mansion owned by icecream entrepreneur Diane Foreman's investment company has sold just days after it went on the market.