Farhad Moinfar: Council must get on board with fast track housing
COMMENT: Auckland is facing a crisis of a scale that will cripple New Zealand's economic powerhouse and yet many continue to deny it.
COMMENT: Auckland is facing a crisis of a scale that will cripple New Zealand's economic powerhouse and yet many continue to deny it.
Rents in Auckland have hit a record high, with the median price now $520 a week
Aucklanders are expected to buy some of the six new $2 million-$2.7 million holiday homes being marketed by the Millbrook Resort near Queenstown.
COMMENT: The two major parties agree the homelessness and unaffordability crisis has arisen because the market has not been allowed to function properly.
The Government says 150 of the 740 dwellings to be built on spare land in Auckland could be sold for "affordable" prices.
COMMENT: The same crisis that is locking so many young people out of homeownership is locking our poorest families out of any home at all, writes Andrew Little. That's not the Kiwi way.
Auckland ad offers potential renters nothing more than a spot on the sofa - for $480 a month.
Summerset Group plans to build a second retirement village in Nelson after buying an eight-hectare site in Richmond.
Housing is grabbing all the headlines lately, so the heat is on the Government to deliver on Thursday.
COMMENT: At the end of the day I think the majority of New Zealanders would predict that the next words I'm going to say is there is no housing crisis.
What is Len Brown's best strategy for easing the Auckland housing crisis?
COMMENT: This is an issue for the entire country because if Auckland doesn't work, the country doesn't work, writes Rachel Smalley. It's our economic powerhouse.
How hard is it for developers to build big housing projects?
Land development is a long and capital-intensive process and in some cases this is holding back the rate of building new houses, reports Anne Gibson.
COMMENT: Affordable seems a dirty word in PM John Key and Nick Smith's housing plans for Auckland, writes Brian Rudman.
Labour says move will get people out of cars, caravans, garages and tents.
Real estate chief says NZ caught in a three-way squeeze: a listings shortage combined with high immigration and worsened by low new-housing starts.
Reserve Bank debt-to-income caps would be disastrous for house buyers and the residential and building sector, says a real estate chief.
The Government will not be throwing money at housing initiatives in the Budget, Prime Minister John Key says.
Whatever the source of the demand for Auckland houses, it will remain insatiable if the Government pretends it is purely a problem of supply.
Real estate commissions and fees levied on Kiwi homeowners have increased at nearly twice the rate of inflation in the past decade.
Everyone who cares about the future of the economy, interest rates and house prices needs to circle two dates in their calendars this year.
More than three weeks after tenders closed on the sprawling Coatesville mansion, not a single offer has been tabled.
Home buyers are turning their backs on traditional suburban villas, sparking a boom in apartment living.
It tops Toronto, Sydney and San Francisco for houses that cost well over $1 million.
COMMENT: Cap means a home buyer in Auckland would have to have an income of more than $220,000.