Hickey: The great housing down-trou
COMMENT: John Key is more worried about the short-term fates of leveraged-up speculators and developers than the long-term fate of Generation Rent.
COMMENT: John Key is more worried about the short-term fates of leveraged-up speculators and developers than the long-term fate of Generation Rent.
Labour's loudly heralded housing policy announcement today will be received with more interest than an opposition party normally receives.
Labour will promise to build 50,000 bargain-priced homes for first-home buyers in Auckland over the next 10 years in a rejig of its 2013 KiwiBuild policy.
Barfoot & Thompson wouldn't divulge who the new owners were, or how much they paid for it.
Auckland's ever-shrinking affordable housing market has shrunk even further.
Comment: John Key and Graeme Wheeler should fix the housing crisis - not point the finger at each other.
COMMENT: NZ household wealth figures show the booming residential property market is a major contributor to inequality.
A Remuera mansion is thought to be Auckland's most expensive mansion sale of 2016.
COMMENT: Renovating kitchens, bathrooms best but don't spend too much.
Prime Minister John Key has expressed further frustration about the Reserve Bank's response to rising house prices.
COMMENT: Just like Australia, New Zealand has rampant property prices, and our tax system allows negative gearing.
The Herald's Home Truths series has highlighted the serious problems that make our housing unaffordable - but also pointed to some solutions.
COMMENT: Increasing urban density is the only policy that ensures both current and prospective home owners can win.
The Reserve Bank has told the Government to review immigration policy in a bid to stem rising house prices.
Summerset Group, expects the opening of a new village in the Auckland this year will keep sales humming.
Welcome to squeezing in and squeezing up on Auckland's northwestern outskirts.
Tenants and first home buyers will suffer if tougher new invesor lending rules are introduced, says a landlords group. Andrew King
A Canterbury homestead with links to European nobility is up for sale.
The Government is planning to lend $1 billion to councils. For infrastructure.
The Government's announcements are important because, in our view, a National Policy Statement alone is not sufficient.
Average house values in Masterton and Carterton have fallen in the last three months, despite house values rising around the country
Labour will mark its 100th anniversary this week with a hat-trick of announcements on housing.
Auckland's average house price will hit $1 million by next year, and it's investors snapping up the sales.
After a big do-up, owners of this Cheltenham Beach property are asking for 'north of $9m' for a four -bedroom home.
Up to 15,000 houses could be built in Whenuapai with the help of the Government's new infrastructure fund, Housing Minister Nick Smith says.
After 18 fruitless months spent trying to find a home with three years of savings and a "pretty decent" income behind them, this family has given up on Auckland.
A woman who abandoned her leasehold Auckland property and was ordered to pay $175,000 has won the right to go the Supreme Court.
An inner city apartment owner has come up with a creative way to solve Auckland's accommodation crisis but there's a hitch.
A prefab-style house in Papakura is for sale with a price tag of more than half a million dollars.
The property of people resisting development could be seized if the land is within certain areas marked for housing development.